* Add inline docstrings of model fields to parameter documentation of models * Add support for Python 3.11 * Add support for Django 4.1 * Drop support for Django 2.2
* Support string foreign keys of abstract models
* Do not reference related names of abstract models * Drop support for Python 3.6 * Drop support for Django 3.1 * Add support for Django 4.0
* Fix ``AttributeError`` when ``django.contrib.contenttypes`` is not in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` * Emit sphinx event ``django-configured`` after ``django.setup()`` is finished to allow monkeypatching django during documentation build
* Add support for Python 3.10 * Add support for Django 3.2 * Drop support for Django 3.0 * Add option ``django_show_db_tables`` to list the database table names of Django models in their docstring
* Support django.db.models.JSONField * List choices of choice fields