Released on July 31, 2014.
- ``jsonparameter``/``jsonparam``/``json`` became deprecated and split
into ``reqjsonobj``/``reqjson``/``<jsonobj``/``<json`` and
[:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Support synopsis (short description in HTTP index),
deprecation and noindex options for resources.
[:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Stabilize order of index items.
[:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Added :rst:dir:`http:any` directive and :rst:role:`http:any`
role for ``ANY`` method. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Added :rst:dir:`http:copy` directive and :rst:role:`http:copy`
role for ``COPY`` method. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Added :rst:role:`http:header` role that also creates reference to the
related specification. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- :rst:role:`http:statuscode` role became to provide references to
specification sections. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Fixed Python 3 incompatibility of :mod:`autohttp.tornado`.
[:oldpull:`61` by Dave Shawley]