
Latest version: v1.8.1

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Released on August 13, 2015.

- Added :http:statuscode:`429 Too Many Requests` as a valid
:rst:role:`http:statuscode`. [:oldpull:`81` by DDBReloaded]
- Became to not resolve references if they can't be resolved.
[:oldpull:`87` by Ken Robbins]
- Became to preserve endpoint ordering when ``:endpoints:`` option is given.
[:oldpull:`88` by Dan Callaghan]
- Added status codes for WebDAV. [:oldpull:`92` by Ewen Cheslack-Postava]
- Added CORS_ headers. [:oldpull:`96` by Tomi Pieviläinen]
- Now :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask` supports multiple paths for
endpoints using same HTTP method. [:oldpull:`97` by Christian Felder]

.. _CORS: http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/


Released on July 31, 2014.

- ``jsonparameter``/``jsonparam``/``json`` became deprecated and split
into ``reqjsonobj``/``reqjson``/``<jsonobj``/``<json`` and
[:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Support synopsis (short description in HTTP index),
deprecation and noindex options for resources.
[:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Stabilize order of index items.
[:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Added :rst:dir:`http:any` directive and :rst:role:`http:any`
role for ``ANY`` method. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Added :rst:dir:`http:copy` directive and :rst:role:`http:copy`
role for ``COPY`` method. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Added :rst:role:`http:header` role that also creates reference to the
related specification. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- :rst:role:`http:statuscode` role became to provide references to
specification sections. [:oldissue:`55`, :oldpull:`72` by Alexander Shorin]
- Fixed Python 3 incompatibility of :mod:`autohttp.tornado`.
[:oldpull:`61` by Dave Shawley]


Released on March 31, 2014.

- Fixed broken Python 2.6 compatibility. [:oldpull:`41` by Kien Pham]
- Added missing link to six_ dependency.

.. _six: https://six.readthedocs.io//


Released on October 19, 2013.

- Python 3 support! [:oldpull:`34` by murchik, :oldpull:`39` Donald Stufft]
- Added support for Tornado webapps. (:mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado`)
[:oldpull:`38` by Rodrigo Machado]


Released on August 8, 2013.

- Now Bottle_ apps can be loaded by :mod:`~sphinxcontrib.autohttp`.
See :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.bottle` module.
[patch_ by Jameel Al-Aziz]
- Added ``:reqheader:`` and ``:resheader:`` option flags.
- ``:jsonparameter:`` can be typed. [:oldpull:`31` by Chuck Harmston]
- ``:queryparameter:`` can be typed. [:oldpull:`37` by Viktor Haag]
- :rst:dir:`autoflask` and :rst:dir:`autobottle` directives now allow
empty ``:endpoints:``, ``:undoc-endpoints:``, and ``:blueprints:``
arguments. [:oldpull:`33` by Michael Twomey]

.. _patch: https://github.com/jalaziz/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
.. _Bottle: http://bottlepy.org/


Released on April 10, 2013.

- Added better support for docstrings in :class:`flask.views.MethodView`.
[:oldpull:`26` by Simon Metson]
- Added ``:jsonparameter:`` along side ``:form:`` and ``:query:`` flag options.
[:oldpull:`25` by Adam Lowry]
- Fixed issue with undefined ``Value`` and ``umethod`` variables.
[:oldpull:`23` by Sebastian Kalinowski and :oldpull:`24` by Viktor Haag]
- Now ``http`` Pygments lexer can Handle continuous header lines well.
- Added ``:undoc-blueprints:`` flag option to :rst:dir:`autoflask` directive.
[:oldpull:`21` by Roman Podolyaka]
- Fixed :oldissue:`29`, a bug that :rst:dir:`autoflask` directive raised
:exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` when it contains non-ASCII characters.
[:oldissue:`29` and :oldpull:`18` by Eunchong Yu]
- Added ``:endpoints:`` flag option to :rst:dir:`autoflask` directive.
[:oldpull:`17` by Eunchong Yu]

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