- Add new directive `.. http:example-block::` to allow use with Sphinx tab libraries like `sphinx-inline-tabs <https://sphinx-inline-tabs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ or `sphinx-design <https://sphinx-design.readthedocs.io/en/furo-theme/tabs.html>`_. [AWhetter]
- Add new HTTP example builder `plone-javascript` [datakurre]
- Fix tabbing to no longer depend on jQuery [datakurre]
- Fix tabbing to support arrow key navigation [datakurre]
- Fix tab key to stop at tab list only once [datakurre]
- Fix requests builder to flatten simple values in form data [datakurre]
- Fix requests builder to pass form data as dictionary [datakurre]
- Change JavaScript-based tabbing to no longer require JQuery [datakurre]
- Add support for docutils 0.17.x [kvondersaar, datakurre] - Add support for Python 3.8 [datakurre] - Fix example tabs accessibility [datakurre]
- The curl command builder will now always specify a method [LefterisJP]
- Change to quote examples with " rather than ' [datakurre] - Fix Sphinx deprecation warnings and support Sphinx 4.x] [kkrypt0nn, AWhetter] - Fix to use ast.unparse instead astunparse on Python >= 3.9 [datakurre]