- Debug endpoints (1792)
- Agent support for SDS v3 API (1906)
- Improved metrics handling (1885, 1925, 1932)
- Significantly improved performance related to performing agent authorization lookups (1859, 1896, 1943, 1944, 1956)
- Database indexes to attested node columns (1912)
- Support for configuring Vault roles, namespaces, and re-authentication to the Vault UpstreamAuthority plugin (1871, 1981)
- Support for non-renewable Vault tokens to the Vault UpstreamAuthority plugin (1965)
- Delete mode for federated bundles to the bundle API (1897)
- The CLI now reads JSON from STDIN for entry create/update commands (1905)
- Support for multiple CA bundle files in x509pop (1949)
- Added `ExpiresAt` to `entry show` output (1973)
- Added `k8s_psat:agent_node_ip` selector (1979)
- The agent now shuts down when it is no longer attested (1797)
- Internals now rely on new server APIs (1849, 1878, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1913, 1947, 1982, 1998, 2001)
- Workload API now returns a standardized JWKS object (1904)
- Log message casing and punctuation are more consistent with project guidelines (1950, 1952)
- The Registration and Node APIs are deprecated, and a warning is logged on use (1997)
- The `registration_api` configuration section is deprecated in favor of `server_api` in the k8s-workload-registrar (2001)
- Removed some superfluous or otherwise unusable metrics and labels (1881, 1946, 2004)
- Fixed CLI exit codes when entry create or update fails (1990)
- Fixed a bug that could cause external plugins to become orphaned processes after agent/server shutdown (1962)
- Fixed handling of the Vault PKI certificate chain (2012, 2017)
- Fixed a bug that could cause some gRPC libraries to fail to connect to the server over HTTP/2 (1968)
- Fixed Registration API to validate selector syntax (1919)
- JWT-SVIDs that fail validation are no longer logged (1953)