* Fix a bug for the wrong placement of field_region monitors.
* Fix a bug for the wrong placement of mode expansion monitors.
* Support for printing the Point objects. * Support for deleting a specified layer for a cell. * Support for boolean operations between two layers. * Support for dilation and inversion on a layer. * Fix a bug for wrong gradient directions of AdjointforTO.call_grad. * Support for resetting lower_index and higher_index for topology optimization regions.
* Support for resetting simulation wavelengths when the sources are added. * Support for resetting wavelength points when the monitors are added.
* Support for setting background material with name for FDTD regions.
* Topology optimization without filters. * New components: SimpleAsymmetricDirectionalCoupler, SlowlyVaryingTaper. * Add algorithm: ParticleSwarmAlgorithm. * Reorganize the submodules. * Rename the class: DirectBianrySearchAlgorithm -> DirectBinarySearchAlgorithm. * Fix bug for setting the vertical mode expansions.