What's Changed
New features:
- Add TLS to the web server by Randy-Blancett in 2086
- Added new web gui options (`--web-gui-location` and `--web-gui-repo` by xnetcat
- Added `--sync-remove-lrc` option by xnetcat
- Added option to choose own genius api access code by j3bx in 2152
Bug fixes:
- Prevent error if playlist has no image by scaphandroid in 2089
- Preserve original list-position, when local/unavailable songs are skipped by dxrcy in 2105
- Preserving local web-ui, added --force-update-gui option to force checkout a new copy of web ui by karanbheda in 2117
- Update lrc.py for updated function in python-syncedlyrics by jerz4lunch in 2120
- Updated the url from sliderkz.py by xKristee29 in 2125
- Ignore key errors for missing ytmusicapi data by xnetcat
- Fixed attribute error when setting keyword in logging env by xnetcat
- Sanitize m3u file by xnetcat
- Fixed Unknown format code 'd' for object of type 'float' by xnetcat
- Synced lyrics fixes by xnetcat
- Respect skip file by xnetcat
- Fixed yt-dlp-args by xnetcat
- Don't update metadata on files with mismatching suffix by xnetcat
- Fixed get file metadata function for track/dics count by xnetcat
- Remove dependency on setuptools by dotlambda in 2057
- Added `--profile` code by xnetcat
- Added function to get path to new web ui directory by xnetcat
- Dont cache web ui files by xnetcat
- Update dependencies (mainly YT-DLP) by xnetcat
- Fixed disc total and track total for flac ogg opus by xnetcat
- Added TYER tag by xnetcat
- Remove artists from the list that are already in the title only when short=true
- Improve proxy URL regex matching by zigzag1001 in 2155
- Improved isrc search by xnetcat
- Improved matching in case of a result with a string with all artists in it by xnetcat
New Contributors ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
* scaphandroid made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2089
* Randy-Blancett made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2086
* dxrcy made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2105
* karanbheda made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2117
* jerz4lunch made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2120
* xKristee29 made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2125
* zigzag1001 made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2155
* j3bx made their first contribution in https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/pull/2152
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader/compare/v4.2.5...v4.2.6
help support the development and maintenance of the software ❤️