
Latest version: v1.3.3

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- additional runtime parameters for the container can be added using the "runtimeParameters" parameter in the configuration file
- version flag for the "spotty" command


- fixed the lambdas runtime
- the "onDemandInstance" parameter to run on-demand instances


- "subnetId" parameter (for the case when default subnets don't exist)
- "localSshPort" parameter (for the case when the instance doesn't have public IP address and SSH access is provided through a tunnel to a local port)
- "aws sync" fix for files of the same size
- fixed the docker "image" parameter


- fix permissions for key files
- choosing an availability zone fix
- flag for the "run" command to do a sync before running a script
- added "g3s.xlarge" instance type to the list of valid GPU instances


Fix: made the "bin/spotty" file executable.


Fix requirements in the `` file.

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