**Breaking change**
**Safe for most production environments**
- Queries are now being modified on-the-fly to facilitate full forking of data, either with chaining views (when running with `--test`) or to build data in a staging environment (when running with `--staging`)
- DML statements from comments, as well as parsing semicolons from comments is no longer an issue. Comments from statements are being ignored unless they're functional
- Configuration for `--test` and `--staging` has changed. Explicit `schema_prefix` is no longer used.
- `--test` no longer performs `v` action, but rather `mock`, which, in the most part, is the same as `v`, but will be overridden in the future for Snowflake for example, to allow chaining mock structures, as views cause compilation memory issues on Snowflake.
- New `--except-locally-independent` option for `test` runs, that base new views on test views that are being created in this run, otherwise on original data structures. This allows running tests on a limited data model part, when the other mock structures don't exist or aren't updated.
- New `--cold-run` option, forces the sqlrunner to initiate mock database connections that only output every statement. No actual connection is made. This is done purely for debugging purposes.
- Queries now reveal modifiable dependencies, and this functionality can be further extended.
- Cleanup is now happening only on newly created schemata.