- Fixed deep joined table inheritance handling (105, courtesy of piotr-dobrogost) - Fixed naive assumption of related User model always having id column (107, courtesy of avilaton) - Fixed one-to-many relationship reverting (102, courtesy of sdorazio)
- Removed generated changes attribute from version classes. This attribute can be accessed through `transaction.changes` - Removed is_modified checking from insert operations
- Added smart primary key type inspection for user class (86, courtesy of mattupstate) - Added support for self-referential version relationship reflection (88, courtesy of dtheodor)
- Fixed One-To-Many version relationship handling (82, courtesy of dtheodor) - Fixed Many-To-Many version relationship handling (83, courtesy of dtheodor) - Fixed inclusion and exclusion of aliased columns - Removed automatic exclusion of auto-assigned datetime columns and tsvector columns (explicit is better than implicit)
- Made FlaskPlugin accepts overriding of current_user_id_factory and remote_addr_factory