
Latest version: v5.0.0

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* Added Beta version of websocket based dialect

**🚨 Attention:**

This feature is currently in Beta, therefore it should not be used in production.
We also recommend to have a look into the known issues, before you start using it.

If you encounter any problem, please [create an issue](https://github.com/exasol/sqlalchemy-exasol/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&projects=&template=bug.md&title=%F0%9F%90%9E+%3CInsert+Title%3E).
With your feedback, we will be able stabilize this feature more quickly.



The turbodbc dependency was pinned to 4.5.4 due to issues with newer versions.

Failing tests in the SQLA compliance test suite, in regard to the turbodbc dialect won't be addressed until explicitly required/requested by users.

Note: It is also very likely that turbodbc support will be dropped in future versions.

🐞 Fixed

* Fixed invalid implicit autocommit behaviour, for details see Issue-https://github.com/https://github.com/exasol/sqlalchemy-exasol/issues/335

✨ Added

* Added websocket based dbapi2 compliant database driver

πŸ”§ Changed

* Updated pytest
* Updated Dependencies
* Loosened version constraints on 'packaging' dependency
* Loosened dev dependency constraints

🧰 Internal

* Changed changelog workflow
* Removed scriv
* Added unreleased section to track unreleased changes
* Simplified workflows by factoring out python & poetry setup into an action
* Added a internal category to the changelog fragment template
* Added manual trigger for the gh-pages workflow
* Removed workaround for outdated DB versions (for further details see https://github.com/exasol/sqlalchemy-exasol/issues/5)
* Added exasol-integration-test-docker-environment as dev dependency



✨ Added

* Added support for SQLA 1.4

:warning: Attention :warning:
- This upgrade is not backwards compatible with SQLA < 1.4

- This version may impact the performance (see also [SQLAlchemy docs](https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/faq/performance.html#why-is-my-application-slow-after-upgrading-to-1-4-and-or-2-x)).
If you are not willing or able to pay those potential performance hits, you should wait until the [tracking-issue 190](https://github.com/exasol/sqlalchemy-exasol/issues/190)
is resolved.

πŸ—‘οΈ Removed

* Removed custom merge statement

(If we will be notified, that someone depends on this feature, we are open to add it again.)

πŸ” Security

- Evaluated CVE-2022-42969
- CVE will be silenced
- The affected code is not used by our project itself,
nor by the dependencies pulling in the vulnerable library.

Checked dependencies:

* Nox (Code search)
* Pytest (Code search + [tracking-issue 10392](https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/10392))

πŸ”§ Changed

- Updated all dependencies

🐞 Fixed

- Fixed link to project documentation



✨ Added
- Added turbodbc support
* Re-enabled with new minimum base version 4.5.4
- Added additional information to README
* License information (badge)
* Code formatter(s) in use (black, isort)
* Linting score of the project

πŸ”§ Changed
- Changed changelog format
* Changelog now can be found in the file CHANGELOG.rst
- Reworked and restructured project documentation

πŸ—‘οΈ Removed
- Removed markdown based changelog


* Fixed CI/CD build and publish target
* Fixed CI/CD to run tests against all configured databases
* Updated databases for testing to 7.1.9 and 7.0.18
* Updated pyodbc dependency from 4.0.32 to 4.0.34
* Added new exasol odbc driver 7.1.11
* Added additional badges for to improve project status overview


* Change build- and config- system

:warning: ATTENTION :warning:
The support of the turbodbc feature is suspended, until the following issues have been addressed

- [turbodbc-358](https://github.com/blue-yonder/turbodbc/issues/358)
- [sqlalchemy-exasol-146]( https://github.com/exasol/sqlalchemy-exasol/issues/146)

:spiral_notepad: If you depend on turbodbc we suggest you to use the latest version supporting it (2.4.0)

* Update dependencies
* Remove python 3.7 support
(:spiral_notepad: If you still depend on python 3.7 use the 2.x version line)
* Drop conda forge support

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