e1e9e34 fix python27 compatibility bug cf878b3 add delete-orphan cascade and direction test 944b037 add direction test d7cf1d3 make assoc_type optional. cleanup. better logging 756711c prototype associations
5e4374b better test setup 8e8b175 refactor tests for better isolation 36cf805 isolate test better 350ac28 fix relationship update bug, add more test coverage
f393eeb add columns accessor 2914a0a relationship should use key name not foreign table name
0011789 enable append shorthand for result lists 6d5fcbc id typecasting for convenience, more validation, update tests 6c65a1e better logging name de9aeb0 Update README.md b869da7 Update README.md 9e18399 improve many-to-one update mechanism
22f8a46 add many-to-one relationships
80e4910 add better relationship support 87e9927 custom primary key support 4b44ead simplify query patching 295e989 tox support for 2 and 3 testing 823a29f add dependencies 5e1329c patch query for greatness cb74871 2to3 a62f3a6 Update README.md 4a15c95 add count() method and add test, clean up delete