- Fix view support to be more in line with SQLAlchemy standards.
`get_view_definition` output no longer includes a trailing semicolon and
views no longer raise an exception when reflected as `Table` objects.
(`Issue 46 <https://github.com/sqlalchemy-redshift/sqlalchemy-redshift/pull/46>`_)
- Rename RedShiftDDLCompiler to RedshiftDDLCompiler.
(`Issue 43 <https://github.com/sqlalchemy-redshift/sqlalchemy-redshift/pull/43>`_)
- Update commands
(`Issue 52 <https://github.com/sqlalchemy-redshift/sqlalchemy-redshift/pull/52>`_)
- Expose optional TRUNCATECOLUMNS in CopyCommand.
- Add all other COPY parameters to CopyCommand.
- Move commands to their own module.
- Support inserts into ordered columns in CopyCommand.