- Add the `sqlfluff.format.languages` setting to allow for users to determine which languages the formatting activates for - Add the `sqlfluff.linter.languages` setting to allow for users to determine which languages the linting activates for
- Add the ability to `Format Selection` - Add the command `sqlfluff.showOutputChannel` to reveal the SQLFluff Output Channel - Display error for ignored parsing issues when attempting a format
- Add the option `sqlfluff.shell` - Add the command `sqlfluff.debug` to help users with debugging the extension when they run into issues.
- Add the options `sqlfluff.env.customDotEnvFiles` and `sqlfluff.env.useDotEnvFile` to address this [Feature Request](https://github.com/sqlfluff/vscode-sqlfluff/issues/101) - Deprecate `sqlfluff.environmentVariables` in favor of `sqlfluff.env.environmentVariables`
- Fix typo in the word "executable"
- Update description for workingDirectory setting. Thanks to qbatten's [Pull Request](https://github.com/sqlfluff/vscode-sqlfluff/pull/99)