* `BatchRetrieveOrders` will now return uncharged orders.
New features: Orders API
* For Catalog-backed line items, setting `CreateOrderRequestLineItem.base_price_money` will now override the catalog item variation's price. * `CreateOrderRequestModifier`s may now be created ad hoc using the new `name` and `base_price_money` fields.
* `ordinal` is added to `CatalogItemVariation` * `website_url` is added to `Location` * `tip_money` is added to `Tender` * Changed `object_type` and `placeholder_type` from lists to single values in `V1PageCell` to mirror data model
New features: Transaction API and Reporting API
The Transaction API now supports the following request objects:
* `additional_recipients` — data type representing an additional recipient (in other words, a recipient other than the merchant or Square) receiving a portion of a tender.
The new Reporting API includes two endpoints that let you pull information about distributions you have received as an additional recipient:
* `AdditionalRecipientReceivables` — returns a list of receivables (across all source locations) representing monies credited to the given location ID by another Square account using the `additional_recipients` field in a transaction.
* `AdditionalRecipientReceivablesRefunds` — returns a list of refunded transactions (across all source locations) related to monies credited to the given location ID by another Square account using the `additional_recipients` field in a transaction.
New features: Register Domain for Apple Pay
* `RegisterDomain` endpoint activates a domain for use with Web Apple Pay.
Other Changes
* `Location.type` used to indicate whether or not the location object represents a physical space.