* Added `extremize` to extremize predictions.
* Added `normalize` to normalize a list of numbers to sum to 1.
* Added `get_mean_and_ci` to return the mean and a given confidence interval for data.
* Added `is_dist` to determine if an object is a Squigglepy distribution.
* Added `is_sampleable` to determine if an object can be sampled using `sample`.
* Support for working within Pandas is now explicitly added. `pandas` has been added as a requirement.
* `discrete` sampling now will compress a large array if possible for more efficient sampling.
* `clip`, `lclip`, and `rclip` can now be used without needing distributions.
* Some functions (e.g, `geomean`) previously only supported lists, dictionaries, and numpy arrays. They have been expanded to support all iterables.
* `dist_max` and `dist_min` now support pipes (`>>`)
* `get_percentiles` now coerces output to integer if `digits` is less than or equal to 0, instead of just exactly 0.