
Latest version: v0.4.1

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What's Changed
* Fix testing UI issue with date range min & max dates by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/48

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1


See the full release notes here: https://squirrels-analytics.github.io/docs/releases/version-0.4

What's Changed
* Provide sections and descriptions in OpenAPI docs by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/41
* Introduced functionality to initialize or create Dashboard configurations (and files) for Dashboard APIs by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/43
* Create SquirrelsProject class for Python APIs by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/44
* Create 'get-file' command and auto import macros by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/45
* Add file logging capabilities by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/46
* Introduce min and max dates for date and date range parameters by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/47

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/compare/v0.3.3...v0.4.0


What's Changed
* Fixed "expected python-multipart dependency" issue that was removed as a dependency of FastAPI in its latest minor version update. Pinned minor version of FastAPI used by Squirrels

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3


What's Changed
* The "is_dropdown" attribute for MultiSelectParameter is dropped
* The "input_type" attribute is added to TextParameter. The "is_textarea" attribute it dropped
* Message for 500 status responses is changed to "An unexpected error occurred"
* For SQL models, "is_param_enabled" function is corrected to "param_exists" (to be consistent with context.py and Python models)
* Added factory method "CreateWithOptions" and deprecated "Create" (which continues to work, but "CreateWithOptions" is preferred)
* Fix issue where decimal numbers do not work for min/max/increment with number parameters
* Enhanced testing UI with better interface for NumberParameters and show description of widget parameters when mousing over name

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2


What's Changed

- Support env.yml file (in addition to environcfg.yml) by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/38
- Make the context.py file optional. If not specified, no context variables are created.
- Make the "parameters" field of a dataset in "squirrels.yml" optional. If not specified, the dataset takes no parameters.
- Improve error handling of misspelled parameter names under the "parameters" field of a dataset in "squirrels.yml".
- Fix the end date coming from date range parameters from the Testing UI. This use to sometimes provide the end date as the day after the selected end date.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1

Also, see the "Fixes in v0.3.1" section here: http://localhost:3000/docs/releases/version-0.3


See the release notes here: https://squirrels-analytics.github.io/docs/releases/version-0.3

What's Changed
* New "SelectDataSource" and custom "CreateFromSource" method for MultiSelectParameter by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/25
* Generate image of DAG when running sqrl compile by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/26
* Fix compile issue when models have multiple paths to target model by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/28
* Fix documentation link in README by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/31
* Introduce seeds (referrable CSV files in project) by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/32
* Improve the generated OpenAPI docs by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/33
* Make expenses database created by default for "sqrl init" by cpyang123 in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/34
* Create textbox parameter and sql placeholders by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/35
* Fix internal user losing access to private datasets on second login by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/36
* Add new settings for seeds and clean up dependencies by ty2huang in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/37

New Contributors
* cpyang123 made their first contribution in https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/pull/34

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/squirrels-analytics/squirrels/compare/v0.2.2...v0.3.0

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