ssh-import-id (3.0-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
[ Dustin Kirkland ]
- bump major version to 3.x since this is a complete rewrite in Python
- add support for gh:username (github) as well as lp:username (launchpad)
* bin/ssh-auth-id => bin/ssh-import-id, bin/ssh-auth-id-gh => bin/ssh-
import-id-gh, bin/ssh-auth-id-lp => bin/ssh-import-id-lp,,
- rename Casey's ssh-auth-id command to ssh-import-id with this merge
* bin/ssh-import-id, bin/ssh-import-id-gh, bin/ssh-import-id-lp,
- get these pep8 clean with
pep8 --verbose --repeat --ignore W191,E501
* bin/ssh-import-id, bin/ssh-import-id-gh, bin/ssh-import-id-lp:
- drop the "starts with ssh-" check
- bad assumption, since my ecdsa key starts with "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256"
- if it's a bad key, then ssh-keygen -l -f will shake that out
- support wget as a fallback, when python requests module is not available
- loop over each id in argv
- import subprocess
* === added directory attic, debian/control, ssh-import-id =>
attic/ssh-import-id, => attic/
- relocate the old shell utility and the monolithic python utility to
the attic for now; these should be removed entirely from the source
tree in due time
* debian/install:
- remove binaries from the install, let handle these for us
* bin/ssh-import-id:
- support -o|--output - for stdout
- return all parts of the fingerprint on validation (size, hash, name, type)
- index into the fingerprint for the hash
- print all parts of the fingerprint in info messages
+ this is essential to the security of ssh-import-id, for key fingerprint
collision avoidance
- use a helper function to print to stdout just as easily a filename
- identify keys by their tuple, [length, hash, type]
* debian/links,, ssh-import-id.1:
- update documentation
* bin/ssh-import-id-lp, debian/postinst, ssh_import_id:
- support URL environment variable and system-wide URL definition in conf
- port conf file from shell to JSON syntax
- add a postinst script to smooth migration from ssh-import-id < 3.0
- ignore errors in postinst script (nothing more we can do, really)
* bin/ssh-import-id-gh, bin/ssh-import-id-lp, debian/postinst,
- use wget --no-verbose rather than --quiet, so that error messages from
wget (such as SSL cert errors) get propagated
- use json syntax for configuration file
* bin/ssh-import-id:
- stdout file descriptor cannot be opened multiple times cleanly
[ Casey Marshall and Dustin Kirkland ]
* === added directory bin, bin/ssh-auth-id, bin/ssh-auth-id-gh,
bin/ssh-auth-id-lp, LICENSE,,
- import Casey's subcommands implementation from his ssh-auth-id fork
on github
-- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Tue, 05 Feb 2013 01:38:31 -0600