
Latest version: v0.0.20

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1. frontend is handled by Vue now, backend now provides api for display or operation
2. sidebar now can collapse/expand on mobile
3. beautify UI
4. when ss account is timeout, notify the user with an email
5. signup checkcode send inform, after signup, inform user that he has an account


1. add account chart display
2. optimize project structure
3. add email notifying feature when user account will be expired soon.


1. product page improvement: add new product
2. improve url root
3. fix bug when communicating with shadowsock server, modify adapter buffer size
4. admin: account flow, expire update
5. user: take order have time limit now, order page optimized.


1. shadowsocks part, shadowsocks integrated into this application, but old application's reloader feature is not useable any more
2. utilize the blueprint feature to seperate module
3. admin: optimized account detail page, account password now can be either updated or randomized
4. home: signup password visible
5. user can reset password now( although it is need to be beautified)


1. admin product page: disable or enable a product (JSON and backend response)
2. user order modal ui
3. admin account view and new account ui
4. user account page: account infomation corresponding with shadowsocks
5. tests with shadowsocks


1. Manager can see webgui setting, products and orders page.
2. Image file upload completed
3. **qrcode stored in database** and display on admin page
4. use ssl method to send email, and email can be sent by smtp server now
5. signup maxmimum count limit
6. admin setting page, value display(according to type), default number can be changed

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