
Latest version: v0.6.5

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- `stft`, `istft`, `ssq_stft`, and `issq_stft` implemented and validated
- Added to ``: `buffer`, `unbuffer`, `window_norm`, `window_resolution`, and `window_area`
- Replaced `numba.njit` with `numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)`, accelerating recomputing

- `cwt()` no longer returns `x_mean`
- `padsignal` now only returns padded input by default; `get_params=True` for old behavior
- Moved methods: `phase_cwt` & `phase_cwt_num` from `ssqueezing` to `_ssq_cwt`
- _In future release_: return order of `cwt` and `stft` will be changed to have `Wx, dWx` and `Sx, dSx`, and `ssq_cwt` and `ssq_stft` to have `Tx, Wx` and `Tx, Sx`

- `wavelet` positional argument in `cwt` is now a keyword argument that defaults to `'morlet'`
- Support for `padsignal(padtype='wrap')`
- Added ``
- Docstring, comment cleanups


Nothing new, just creating tag for sharing persistent URL's.

To any watchers, I'm actively working on the repo, and CWT should be done soon.


**Synchrosqueezing** arrives to Python:

- Continuous Wavelet Transform, forward & inverse, beating PyWavelets' & scipy's
- CWT-based synchrosqueezing, forward & inverse
- Wavelet visualizations
- Docs/comments explaining relevant concepts
- Several important fixes and performance optimizations relative to original MATLAB repository
- Greater flexibility and improved edge-case handling relative to latest MATLAB implementations


- Added `Wavelet` class
- Faster wavelet recomputation
- Deprecated `wfiltfn`
- Added `` and requirements


At last, SYNCRHOSQUEEZING is here.

Relative to MATLAB repo:

- Several important fixes
- Possible performance improvements**
- Formula clarity in code and comments; correct quantity placement prioritized over saving code space
- Forward CWT and synchrosqueezing fully* fixed & validated
- Inverse synchrosqueezing fully* fixed & validated
- Inverse CWT and helper methods ported, partly fixed & validated
- Added linear scale support to CWT
- Added support for custom `scales`
- Replaced `opts` with Pythonic argument handling

*: not every argument config works. I tested every option, and marked in comments what fails to deliver "good" results (marked with ` !!!` and sometimes ` TODO`). Unless explicitly stating otherwise, there may be nothing to 'fix' - simply the method is flawed, or thrives in specific settings.
**: I initially didn't realize the MATLAB code was jit-compiled; will run tests to compare speed & memory use.

**To-do for first release**:

- Complete docstrings
- Add examples
- Revamp README
- Set license

Note that majority of code organization is subject to change by v0.6.0. This includes args placement and defaults, variable, function, and module names, and whether wavelets are functions or class instances.


**Not reviewed/validated**: ``, ``. I don't plan on reviewing these; others are welcome to, and I'll validate changes.

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