New features * The first four label colours correspond now to matplotlibs default colours when visualizing label images * `merge_rgb()` for turning three images into a scikit-image style RGB image (channel axis is last) * added `continuous_update` parameter in `interact()`
Bugfix * Some labels where not shown (black) depending on the maximum number of labels
Bugfix: * Imported libraries that were not listed as dependency
New features * added `jupyter_displayable_output` decorator for static image output in jupyter notebooks
Bug fixes * Also non-numpy images (e.g. OCL-Arrays) are supported, which caused an error earlier
stackview depends now on ipycanvas and no longer on numpywidget. Visualization may look a bit different, e.g. image size on screen. The public API remains unchanged.
Bugfix: * Slider positions / maxima were wrong in some cases (thanks to Jordão Bragantini JoOkuma for reporting and fixing)