
Latest version: v0.2.28

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* **Update:** ``Studio.is_scheduling`` and ``Studio.is_scheduling_by``
attributes will not be updated or checked at the beginning of the
``Studio.schedule()`` method. It is the duty of the user to check those
attributes before calling ``Studio.schedule()``. This is done in this way
because without being able to do a db commit inside ``Studio.schedule()``
method (which is the case with transaction managers which may be used in web
applications like **Stalker Pyramid**) it is not possible to persist and thus
use those variables. So, to be able to use those attributes meaningfully the
user should set them. Those variables will be set to False and None
accordingly by the ``Studio.schedule()`` method after the scheduling is done.


* **Fix:** Fixed a deadlock in ``TaskJugglerScheduler.schedule()`` method
related with the ``Popen.stderr.readlines()`` blocking the TaskJuggler
process without being able to read the output buffer.


* **Update:** ``TaskJugglerScheduler.schedule()`` is now using bulk inserts and
updates which is way faster than doing it with pure Python. Use
``parsing_method`` (0: SQL, 1: Python) to choose between SQL or Pure Python
implementation. Also updated ``Studio.schedule()`` to take in a
``parsing_method`` parameter.


* **Update:** The ``cut_in``, ``cut_out`` and ``cut_duration`` attribute
behaviour and the attribute order is updated in ``Shot`` class. So, if three
of the values are given, then the ``cut_duration`` attribute value will be
calculated from ``cut_in`` and ``cut_out`` attribute values. In any case
``cut_out`` precedes ``cut_duration``, and if none of them given ``cut_in``
and ``cut_duration`` values will default to 1 and ``cut_out`` will be
calculated by using ``cut_in`` and ``cut_duration``.


* **New:** Entity to Note relation is now Many-to-Many. So one Note can now be
assigned more than one Entity.

* **New:** Added alembic revision for ``Entity_Notes`` table creation and data
migration from ``Notes`` table to ``Entity_Notes`` table. So all notes are

* **Fix:** Fixed ``Shot.cut_duration`` attribute initialization on ``Shot``
instances restored from database.

* **Fix:** Fixed ``Studios.is_scheduling_by`` relationship configuration, which
was wrongly referencing the ``Studios.last_scheduled_by_id`` column instead
of ``Studios.is_scheduled_by_id`` column.


* **New:** Added a ``Task.review_set(review_number)`` method to get the desired
set of reviews. It will return the latest set of reviews if ``review_number``
is skipped or it is None.

* **Update:** Removed ``Task.approve()`` it was making things complex than it
should be.

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