- Remove accessibilityFeature=longDescription from content.opf template
- Gracefully fail when file can't be opened in various cases
- Remove deprecated pyopenssl. Thanks to Robin Whittleton
- Add support for
- Change the LoI to be a top-level `<nav>` element
- Update shell completions for `se xpath` command
se build
- Also simplify `[xml|lang]` selectors to classes
- Change 'noteref' to 'endnote' in Kobo builds to enable popup endnotes
- Use the Nu Validator (v.Nu) to check epubs for XHTML5 compatibility when using the `--check` option
- Remove now-unused exception filter for Ace output
- Ignore v.Nu warning about possibly invalid datetime value
se build-toc
- Update to use data-parent attributes instead of nested `<section>`s. Thanks to David Grigg
- Update landmarks to IDPF a11y best practices
se build-manifest
- Adjust accessibility metadata if we have images in the manifest
se build-title
- Add a `z3998:roman` semantic to the `<title>` element if the title looks to be an entirely Roman numeral
se clean
- Don't lowercase `currentColor` values
se create-draft
- Update titlepage with `h1` and author/contributor information
- Remove display: flex from imprint because it doesn't play nice with page breaks in Webkit
se lint
- Add s-096, heading in half title without fulltitle semantic
- Improve t-036
- Improve t-008
- Improve t-017
- Improve t-057
- Improve s-041
- Improve t-065
- Improve s-020
- Improve c-020
- Improve s-085
- Add t-058, illegal character
- Add `yi` to s-082 check
- t-063: Add `in extremis` and `par excellence`
- Add m-028, m-029, m-038, m-039, checks for image accessibility metadata
- Add s-097, `a` element without `href` attribute
- Add f-016, cover.jpg larger than 1.5MB
- Update x-017 to include all ID attributes across whole ebook
- Remove s-029 as it's a duplicate of s-050, and replace with s-029, section with nonexistent parent
- Don't check landmarks in m-044
- Remove m-043 and m-044 as they're obviated by updates in `se build-toc`
se modernize-spelling
- Add `free-will` problem spelling check. Thanks to Robin Whittleton
- Various additions
- Improve removal of period after `percent`
se prepare-release
- Exclude `<title>` elements that also have attributes from the word count
se recompose-epub
- Print detailed exceptions
- Sort CSS namespaces so recompositions are deterministic
- Don't add a space before base64 images, in order to pass nu validation
- Un-self-close non-void elements in HTML5 output to satisfy the Nu HTML5 validator
- Replace `xml|lang` in CSS and remove CSS namespaces from HTML5 output
- Update to recompose using data-parent attribute instead of nested `<section>`s