What's Changed
* Only publish to Test PyPI if "test" is in the tag by conradtchan in https://github.com/conradtchan/starfit/pull/28
* Fix Star load not respecting silent=True by dliptai in https://github.com/conradtchan/starfit/pull/29
* remove dbtrim and associated experimental code by conradtchan in https://github.com/conradtchan/starfit/pull/33
* Add __version__ to package by dliptai in https://github.com/conradtchan/starfit/pull/34
* Update README.md by dliptai in https://github.com/conradtchan/starfit/pull/35
* Update LICENSE by 2sn in https://github.com/conradtchan/starfit/pull/36
Known Issues
* Occasionally, GA has been observed to hang up and not terminate after the requested timeout.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/conradtchan/starfit/compare/0.6.0...0.6.1