Changed - starkbank-ecdsa library version to 2.0.1
Added - Support for scheduled invoices, which will display discounts, fine, interest, etc. on the users banking interface when dates are used instead of datetimes
Added - PaymentPreview resource to preview multiple types of payments before confirmation: BrcodePreview, BoletoPreview, UtilityPreview and TaxPreview
Added - "payment" account type for Pix related resources - Institution resource to allow query of institutions recognized by the Brazilian Central Bank for Pix and TED transactions
Fixed - TaxPayment.scheduled being cast to datetime instead of date
Added - Normalized event signature verification after failed raw content attempt - DictKey.bank_name parameter - Workspace.allowed_tax_ids to control who can send Deposits to the Workspace - Workspace.update() to allow parameter updates - TaxPayment resource to allow payment of taxes with bar codes - DarfPayment resource to allow DARF tax payment without bar code