- amount to nominal_amount, fine_amount to fine, interest_amount to interest, and discount_amount to discounts on response_due method of DynamicBrcode resource
- settlement parameter to funding_type of Issuing Product resource
- client parameter to holder_type of Issuing Product resource
- CreditNotePreview sub-resource to CreditPreview.CreditNotePreview sub-resource
- agent parameter to flow in PixInfraction and PixChargeback resources
- bank_code parameter to claimer_bank_code in PixClaim resource
- agent parameter to flow on query and page methods in PixInfraction and PixChargeback resources
- JSON body returned from response method of PixRequest resource
- JSON body returned from response method of PixReversal resource
- key_id, cash_amount, cashier_bank_code and cashier_type attributes to BrcodePreview resource
- code attribute to IssuingProduct resource
- expand parameter to create method of IssuingHolder resource
- CreditPreview sub-resource
- default to fee, external_id and tags on PixRequest and PixReversal parse method
- BrcodePreview resource
- tags parameter to PixClaim, PixInfraction, Pix Chargeback, DynamicBrcode and StaticBrcode resources
- flow parameter to PixClaim resource
- flow parameter to query and page methods to PixClaim
- tags parameter to query and page methods to PixChargeback, PixClaim and PixInfraction resources
- zip_code, purchase, is_partial_allowed, card_tags and holder_tags attributes to IssuingPurchase resource
- brcode, link and due attributes to IssuingInvoice resource
- category parameter to IssuingProduct resource
- bacen_id parameter from PixChargeback and PixInfraction resources
- agent parameter from PixClaim.Log resource