
Latest version: v0.45.2

Safety actively analyzes 693883 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
* Fix inference of `` when created from methods [1553](
* Avoid `TypeError` on `websocket.disconnect` when code is `None` [1574](

* Deprecate `WS_1004_NO_STATUS_RCVD` and `WS_1005_ABNORMAL_CLOSURE` in favor of `WS_1005_NO_STATUS_RCVD` and `WS_1006_ABNORMAL_CLOSURE`, as the previous constants didn't match the [WebSockets specs]( [#1580](


Not secure
* Error handler will always run, even if the error happens on a background task [761](
* Add `headers` parameter to `HTTPException` [1435](
* Internal responses with `405` status code insert an `Allow` header, as described by [RFC 7231]( [1436](
* The `content` argument in `JSONResponse` is now required [1431](
* Add custom URL convertor register [1437](
* Add content disposition type parameter to `FileResponse` [1266](
* Add next query param with original request URL in requires decorator [920](
* Add `raw_path` to `TestClient` scope [1445](
* Add union operators to `MutableHeaders` [1240](
* Display missing route details on debug page [1363](
* Change `anyio` required version range to `>=3.4.0,<5.0` [1421]( and [#1460](
* Add `typing-extensions>=3.10` requirement - used only on lower versions than Python 3.10 [1475](

* Prevent `BaseHTTPMiddleware` from hiding errors of `StreamingResponse` and mounted applications [1459](
* `SessionMiddleware` uses an explicit `path=...`, instead of defaulting to the ASGI 'root_path' [1512](
* `Request.client` is now compliant with the ASGI specifications [1462](
* Raise `KeyError` at early stage for missing boundary [1349](

* Deprecate WSGIMiddleware in favor of a2wsgi [1504](
* Deprecate `run_until_first_complete` [1443](


Not secure
* Change default chunk size from 4Kb to 64Kb on `FileResponse` [1345](
* Add support for `functools.partial` in `WebSocketRoute` [1356](
* Add `StaticFiles` packages with directory [1350](
* Allow environment options in `Jinja2Templates` [1401](
* Allow HEAD method on `HttpEndpoint` [1346](
* Accept additional headers on `websocket.accept` message [1361]( and [#1422](
* Add `reason` to `WebSocket` close ASGI event [1417](
* Add headers attribute to `UploadFile` [1382](
* Don't omit `Content-Length` header for `Content-Length: 0` cases [1395](
* Don't set headers for responses with 1xx, 204 and 304 status code [1397](
* `SessionMiddleware.max_age` now accepts `None`, so cookie can last as long as the browser session [1387](

* Tweak `hashlib.md5()` function on `FileResponse`s ETag generation. The parameter [`usedforsecurity`]( flag is set to `False`, if the flag is available on the system. This fixes an error raised on systems with [FIPS]( enabled [#1366]( and [#1410](
* Fix `path_params` type on `url_path_for()` method i.e. turn `str` into `Any` [1341](
* `Host` now ignores `port` on routing [1322](


Not secure
* Fix `IndexError` in authentication `requires` when wrapped function arguments are distributed between `*args` and `**kwargs` [1335](


Not secure
* `Response.delete_cookie` now accepts the same parameters as `Response.set_cookie` [1228](
* Update the `Jinja2Templates` constructor to allow `PathLike` [1292](

* Fix BadSignature exception handling in SessionMiddleware [1264](
* Change `HTTPConnection.__getitem__` return type from `str` to `typing.Any` [1118](
* Change `ImmutableMultiDict.getlist` return type from `typing.List[str]` to `typing.List[typing.Any]` [1235](
* Handle `OSError` exceptions on `StaticFiles` [1220](
* Fix `StaticFiles` 404.html in HTML mode [1314](
* Prevent anyio.ExceptionGroup in error views under a BaseHTTPMiddleware [1262](

* Remove GraphQL support [1198](


Not secure
* Added [Encode]( funding option

* `starlette.websockets.WebSocket` instances are now hashable and compare by identity
* A number of fixes related to running task groups in lifespan

* The method `starlette.templates.Jinja2Templates.get_env` was removed
* The ClassVar `starlette.testclient.TestClient.async_backend` was removed,
the backend is now configured using constructor kwargs
* Passing an Async Generator Function or a Generator Function to `starlette.router.Router(lifespan_context=)` is deprecated. You should wrap your lifespan in `contextlib.asynccontextmanager`.

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