
Latest version: v1.0.3

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- Change to syphilis model to permit latent transmission.
- *GitHub info*: PR `450 <>`_


- Added SIS model.
- Fixes distribution initialization.
- Allows interventions and analyzers to be functions.
- Tidies up tests.
- Performance improvements in ``UIDArray`` (~3x faster for large numbers of agents).
- *GitHub info*: PR `428 <>`_



New RNGs & distributions
- Replaces ``ss.SingleRNG()``, ``ss.MultiRNG()``, ``ss.ScipyDistribution()``, and ``ss.ScipyHistogram()`` with a single ``ss.Dist()`` class. The ``starsim.random`` and ``starsim.distributions`` submodules have been removed, and ``starsim.dists`` has been added.
- The ``ss.Dist`` class uses ``np.random.default_rng()`` rather than ``scipy.stats`` by default, although a ``scipy.stats`` distribution can be supplied as an alternative. This is up to 4x faster (including, critically, for Bernoulli distributions).
- Also removes ``ss.options.multirng`` (the new version is equivalent to it being always on).
- Removes duplicate logic for transmission (``make_new_cases()``)
- Adds new custom distributions such as ``ss.choice()`` and ````.
- These distributions can be called directly, e.g. ``dist = ss.weibull(c=2); dist(5)`` will return 5 random variates from a Weibull distribution.
- Instead of being manually initialized based on the name, the ``Sim`` object is parsed and all distributions will be initialized with a unique identifier based on their place in the object (e.g. ````), which is used to set their unique seed.

Other changes
- This PR also fixes bugs with lognormal parameters, and makes it clear whether the parameters are for the *implicit* normal distribution (``ss.lognorm_im()``, the NumPy/SciPy default, equivalent to ``ss.lognorm_mean()`` previously) or the "explicit" lognormal distribution (``ss.lognorm_ex()``, equivalent to ``ss.lognorm()`` previously).
- Renames ``ss.dx``, ``ss.tx``, ``ss.vx`` to``ss.Dx``, ``ss.Tx``, ``ss.Vx``.
- Removed ``set_numba_seed()`` as a duplicate of ``set_seed()``.
- *GitHub info*: PR `392 <>`_


- SIR duration of infection now accounts for dt
- Reworked sir_vaccine to modify rel_sus instead of moving agents from susceptible to recovered.
- n_years no longer necessarily an integer
- *GitHub info*: PR `389 <>`_


- Renames and extends the multirng option in settings, now called 'rng', which set how random numbers are handled in Starsim with three options:

- "centralized" uses the centralized numpy random number generator for all distributions.
- "single" uses a separate (SingleRNG) random number generator for each distribution.
- "multi" uses a separate (MultiRNG) random number generator for each distribution.
- *GitHub info*: PR `349 <>`_


- Add ``ss.demo()`` to quickly create a default simulation.
- *GitHub info*: PR `380 <>`_

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