* Merged 46: Now allows for one to specify custom Markdown extensions through the Statik project configuration file. * Added unit testing for 46.
* Enabling a "quiet" mode of operation, as per 45. * Reducing verbosity of standard `INFO`-level output as a potential optimisation, as console writing can slow down operations such as hot reload.
* pztrick fixed 40 with 41. Providing support for `.htaccess` files, which previously were incorrectly generated as `.htaccess/index.html` output files.
* Adding better system exit code handling when **Statik** raises an exception. Versions up to now always returned 0, despite whether or not the execution was successful. Now, when exceptions are raised, a non-zero exit code is returned depending on the nature of the cause.
* Enhanced templating engine, allowing for more pluggable template system support. * Added support for [Mustache](http://mustache.github.io/) templates. * Now forcing Mustache templating in safe mode.
* Adding support for [MLAlchemy](https://github.com/thanethomson/MLAlchemy)-style queries. * Adding support for **safe mode**, which only allows for MLAlchemy-style queries.