- `summary` method for the `AutoARIMA` class requested in 31. - representational string for the `AutoARIMA` fitted model, requested in 83.
Bug Fixes
- [BUG] `croston_sba` 88 fixed in 89.
- Added `predict_in_sample` method for `AutoARIMA`. - Users can now compute in sample forecasts including prediction intervals.
- Now: Good Ol' sklearn syntax with `model = AutoARIMA(); model.fit(y); model.predict(10)`. - Bug fixes.
Notable changes
- Inclusion of `prediction intervals` for `auto_arima`. - `statsforecast` is now installable from `conda-forge` (`conda install -c conda-forecast statsforecast`, thanks to sugatoray).
Notable changes
- Inclusion of `exogenous variables` for `auto_arima`. - The `StatsForecast` class now handles `exogenous variables`. - This release allows developers to include more models that use `exogenous variables`. - Bug fixes.