
Latest version: v0.44.1

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Enforces a minimum timeout on network requests from the SDK, and makes that timeout configurable via StatsigOptions


All SDK background threads are now marked as daemon threads so they will not continue to run when your program exits.

Note that if you fail to call shutdown(), the background thread that posts logs to Statsig servers will not have a chance to run and you could lose logging data



Adds `custom_ids` to the `StatsigUser` class, which can be used to specify experiment randomization unit IDs other than the standard `userID` and `stableID`, e.g. to experiment on account IDs, you can add `accountID` as a new ID type in Statsig console, and set it on the user in code.


This SDK is for server side, multi-user environment usage. Check out our [docs]( for details on how to use the SDK.

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