
Latest version: v0.5.2

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- [actions] publish on release creation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] added which uses Flask_Principal for the management
of roles/permissions. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Documented the new route for the version checking.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [root blueprint] added a route to check the version of the service.
[Cédric Bonhomme]

- Bump version number to test the publish workflow. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tests] testing auto publish. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tests] Replaced Python 3.6.7 by Python 3.6.11. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tests] Python 3.6.1 is not available on GitHub Action. [Cédric
- [tests] use a matrix strategy for the Python GitHub Action. [Cédric
- [models] renamed function name my_secret to secret_token. [Cédric
- [tests] uncomment lint tests. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tests] temporary cmment lint tests. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tests] updated GitHub Actions workflow for the tests. [Cédric
- [style] reformated with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformated with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated documentation for create_client command.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [authentication] updated create_user command, added new SECRET_KEY
variable. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] Updated is_object_published command based on the changes in
MOSP. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] fix flake8 warning. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] Updated comments. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] refactored processor in order to have different function per
type of stats, later callable in v1/ with getattr(). [Cédric
- [documentation] the command drop_all_collections has been removed for
long time. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] removed a useless (re-)definition of a funtion. [Cédric
- [style] reformat with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformat. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib stats] process averages for threats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] Reformat with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated README with the STATS_CONFIG variable. Python
>= 3.6.1 is now required (previously >= 3.8). [Cédric Bonhomme]

- [test] client is active by default. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] addded missing decorator for v1/ POST endoiubt. [Cédric
- [authentication] added missing import. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] the call to the processor was in the bad indentation level.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] use Date instead of Row in the response marshalling. [Cédric

- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Changed the default value of is_active to true. [Ruslan Baidan]
- Removed the beginning of the aggregation logic. [Ruslan Baidan]
- Removed useless import. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added the roles and removed updated_at. [Ruslan Baidan]
- Changes... wip... [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of
service. [Ruslan Baidan]

* 'master' of
chg: [documentation] the command drop_all_collections has been removed for long time.
- Simplified the get stats params. [Ruslan Baidan]
- Fixed the condition. [Ruslan Baidan]
- Fixed the idention and made date_to, date_from not required. [Ruslan
- Renamed Organization to Client, replaced the fileds: day, week, month,
quarter, year to date. [Ruslan Baidan]


Not secure

- [views] Added new root_bp blueprint with a simply view which for the
moment simply redirects to api.doc. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Added local TOC for deployment.rst. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [deployment] Added deployment via PyPI. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] Added bridge module with a MOSP platform. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] added processors module. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] Added .editorconfig. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] added JSON validation module. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [comunity] added GitHub templates. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] added new lib utils in order to gather the different kind of
required process on stats data. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] Added created_at and updated_at properties for
organizations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v1] Added a new namespace for the API v1 in order to create new
organizations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v1] implement DELETE. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats/risks] added filtering on MongoEngine DynamicField. [Cédric
- [documentation] added section about deployment in the documentation.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [heroku] added file for Heroku. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [configuration] added default configuration file for Heroku. [Cédric
- [documents] added quarter property for stats: Number of quarter of a
year. Possible values [1,2,3,4]. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] added section about the new list_organizations
command. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] added command to list organizations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] added athentication decorator for API v2. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] added missing year attribute for stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] added a new API. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] added stats blueprint which will provided specific stats with
different endpoints. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] added __str__ method for stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] added new commands in order to create organization. [Cédric
- [api] added day, month and year as filters fo the stats resource.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] Added a new command to drop all collections. [Cédric
- [documentation] Added section about data pulling for the command line
interface. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] added pull-stats commands in order to retrieve stats from a
central stat-api instance. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] Push stats commands is now construction the URL of the
endpoint with urllib.parse.urljoin. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] Push stats for the organization specified in parameter to
an other stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [test] Added structure for the tests. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [test] Added structure for the tests. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Added a Sphinx documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [license] added COPYING file. [Cédric Bonhomme]

- [documentation] Updated index.rst/ [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated swagger.json file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] save the stats in bulk. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [API] Post accept a list of stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [models] do not slice the generated token. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] only print error message when db_init fails. [Cédric
- [commands] updated is_object_published and db_create commands. [Cédric
- [documentation] updated documentation related to the command line.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] provide more clear information message about the failure of the
authentication. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] reply with 403 when authentication fails. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [configuration] Updated Heroku configuration file with the new
variable for MOSP. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] Updated lib for interactions with MOSP: MOSP instance URL is now
configurable. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Minor rephrazing. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Added example of wsgi mod Apache configuration.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Removed useless lib when deploying with poetry and
systemd. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] cosmethic changes. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Added information about how to configure the
PostgreSQL user. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] Reformated with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] Updated help description for arguments. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [deployment] Updated Programming Language classifier. [Cédric
- [depencies] Updated requirements.txt for Heroku only. [Cédric
- [documentation] Updated OpenAPI specification file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Deployment with systemd. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] Added more checks on the type of the parameters. [Cédric
- [api]. The type is now a required parameter. The choices are provided
by the OpenAPI Specification. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [deployment] Added missing INSTANCE_URL configuration variable.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [deployment] Tell Poetry to also include the instance package. [Cédric
- [configuration] Improved configuration loading and customization.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated OpenAPI specification file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] Updated help string for the OpenAPI Specification. [Cédric
- [api] Updated help string for the OpenAPI Specification. [Cédric
- [style] Reformat with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] Added custom URL attributes date_from and date_to. [Cédric
- [API] Check if value of the query parameter is not None or ''. [Cédric
- [dependencies] udated idna. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] format code with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [deployment] MongoDB is no more supported, removed related environment
variables. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [requirements] Updated requirements in poetry.lock and
requirements.txt (for Heroku). [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated section about deployment from Pypi. [Cédric
- [documentation] added Heroku button deployment. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] added section about deployment from Pypi. [Cédric
- Group threat stats per anr UUID then per threat UUID. [Cédric
- [api] handle the case when no type has been precised by the client.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] added aggregate threat function. we must still define how the
client will ask for aggregation, probably via a parameter in the
query. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated requirements.txt. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Removed useless stuff and updated api/v1/ [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] cosmethic change in models/ [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [models] Updated __str__ function for organization objects. [Cédric
- [dependencies] Updated pandas. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Removed now deprecated section about token
authentication and fixed an issue with the PDF generation of the
documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] Do not trim trailing white spaces for .md and .rst files.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [models] Updated order of attributes for Organization. [Cédric
- MongoEngine has been replaced by SQLAlchemy. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands ] Catch any exceptions when pushing to remote server.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [dependencies] Updated sphinx and flake8. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] update documentation with status of the tests and the
documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [doc] updated information about push commands. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] updated dependencies. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] the token of the organization on the remote central stats
service can be given in parameter. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] update push commands with new headers. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] Pre save data validation and cleaning. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] minor changes to the documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] added missing space. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformated with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v1] Updated message returned when stats object is deleted.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats/risks] removed useless import. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] update MarkupSafe. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] Updated serialization library. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [Heroku] Updated project keywords. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Renamed requirements file for the generation of the
documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated swagger.json. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v1] updated pagination. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] improved documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] authentication is mandatory. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] added requirements-dev.txt for sphinx. [Cédric
- [documentation] include dev packages in the poetry export to
requirements.txt. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] include dev packages in the poetry export to
requirements.txt. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] updated default configuration file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [Heroku] added retryWrites=false at the end of the conntection string.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [Heroku] import render_template. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [Heroku] specify a custom URL for heroku. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [Heroku] new environment variable. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [Heroku] change the way the server is launched. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [Heroku] Load the appropriate port for Heroku. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] format with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v1] minor changes to the requestParser and to the arguments.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] fix version of API in documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated documentation to reflect the API version
numbering change. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] swap API v1 and API v2. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] refactorized API v2. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] updated MarkupSage. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] do not skip None value. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] data is required for stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] do not skip None values in nested fields. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] default is empty list when no data. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] anr UUID is not unique. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] updated Flask-restx and other dependencies. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] reformat with black and added a new fiel for the marshalling of
stats object for api v2. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] anr property of a stat is now a UUID. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] management of per_page and number of element of a page.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api v2] added pagination - wip. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] renamed statsapi to statsservice. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] fixed broken link. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] changes description of stats blueprint. [Cédric
- [documentation] added doc for the blueprint stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] forgot to mention anr. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] added anr field. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] added comments. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] typo. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] added new example. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] added some example on methods for filters. Will list
all the methods soonish. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] the token of organizations is not returned by the API. [Cédric
- [core] style format. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] make token unique for organizations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] when creating a new stat (POST request) it is no more needed to
send the id/token of the organization in the data or in the URL, since
it uses the authentication mechanism. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] typo. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] updated authentication to the API with the token X-API-KEY.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] improved documentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated documentation about the authentication with
X-API-KEY token. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] fixes and added some refs. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] updated name of organization. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated documentation and README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] updated organization documents. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Getting all stats from the month of February of type
*risk* for an organization. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] added some complementary information on the filtering
possibilities of the API. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] plural name for view with Create, Update, Fetch, List. Singular
for Delete. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documents] make uuid unique for stats documents. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] push the uuid of the stats to ensure unicity of stats.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] removed Update and Delete method from the Stats view. [Cédric
- [documentation] provide more information about the push-stats command.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated presentation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] minor update to command-line-interface doc. [Cédric
- [documentation] now using official ReadTheDocs theme. [Cédric
- [documentation] how to push stats to a central server. [Cédric
- [dependencies] added flake8 as dev dependency. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] explicitely specify the master doc for Sphinx. [Cédric
- [documentation] removed contents caption and indexes. [Cédric
- [doc] fixed README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] Restructured the code to allow a more evolutive API (also with
version of the API in the URL). [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [resource] changed pagination settings for stats resource. [Cédric
- [resource] testing API limits and pagination. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [doc] Updated README, the token can now be submitted. [Cédric
- [doc] Updated documentation in the README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [authentication] Updated README with the authentication method.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [authentication] added HTTP token based authentication for StatsView.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [resources] added filters for the stars resource. [Cédric Bonhomme]

- [models] generated token is always the same when the web process is
initialized by the system. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] fixed Heroku button and PDF generation. [Cédric
- [api] fixed pagination: shift (offset) should start at 0 and page
number at 1. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument. [Cédric
- [typo] forgot 'as' [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] bad view wre imported for organization. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [api] Object of type UUID is not JSON serializable fixed when listing
stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] fixed some warnings. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [models] added a missing import for Organization. [Cédric Bonhomme]

- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Changed the creating of the stats to accept batch requests. [Ruslan
- Fix issue with wrong url generated by swagger ui. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Typo. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated docs. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated depdencies. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Groups threats stats data by anr first" [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated Heroku deployment. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated Sphinx. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Style change. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Improvements to the Python Heroku deployment. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Removed postdeploy scripts. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Add mongolab:sandbox addons. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Aded requirements.txt for Heroku. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of [Cédric
- Chjg: [documentation] Improvements. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated docs. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Display a message in case of duplicate stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added uuid for stats. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added first commands - WIP. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Enable authentication for StatsResource. Fixed missing import. [Cédric
- Added optional authentication. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated dependencies. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Merge branch 'master' of [Cédric
- Changed title of section in README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added more information in the README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added more information in the README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added more information in the README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added some black magic. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added initial files. [Cédric Bonhomme]

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