
Latest version: v1.4.0

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What's New
pytest testing
Travis integration, to test the build status
Other badges for info


What's New
Added user location support, location will be a dictionary with the flag's URL and the contents of the location
Added recently played games, they will be in an array of game names

Made some `for` and `if` statements ternary operators, and one-liners
Replaced wishlist price system, allowing it to detect sales
Added conditions to avoid `None` from being iterated during the wishlist price-check
Added conditions to convert prices to `float()` comparable strings


Removed the example profile, which could slow down performance


What's New
Private profiles will return unavailable data as `None`, and `user.private` will be `true`
Profile pictures will be returned as a URL, and will be accessible under `user.avatar`

Made some `for` and `if` statements ternary operators, and one-liners
Simplified BeautifulSoup's tags' `getText()` functions to `text` properties

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