
Latest version: v1.1.2

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* chore: misspellings CHANGELOG

fix current misspellings, but ignore changelog going forward since it is autogenerated from commit messages ([`95cf322`](

* chore: linting ([`d40a8bc`](


* fix: cornsweet edge intensity is now exactly as in intensity_edges; close 122 ([`cc701a3`](


* Merge pull request 123 from computational-psychology/bugfix_cornsweet_edge

fix: cornsweet edge intensity is now exactly as in intensity_edges ([`9e8bbbb`](

* Merge pull request 125 from computational-psychology/chore

chore: linting ([`a93fff7`](



* build: configure `codespell` to fix misspellings

Requires python^3.11.0 to use pyproject.toml

Exclude everything in `docs/_build`,
and the exact lines in `.codespell.ignore`

Also add to pre-commit checks ([`37bac3d`](

* build: only trigger publishing workflow once per release ([`44a303b`](


* docs(periodics): fix Gabor argument `intensities` ([`533e1e2`](

* docs(tutorial): fix references to `two_sided` ([`19f59a9`](


* fix(checkerboards): define multiple target intensities

Previously, checkerboards could only draw a single target intensity, even if multiple targets are specified. For some stimuli however, I want to have two target checks, each with a different intensity value.

Use components.draw_regions to do the actual target drawing. Ensures consistency with other stimuli with targets. ([`ab525b3`](

* fix(checkerboards): define multiple target intensities

Use `components.draw_regions` to do the actual target drawing. Ensures consistency with other stimuli with targets ([`442bd29`](

* fix(RHS2007): WE_dual separate mask for each target

Previously, the targets in black were lumped together, as were the targets in white. Now, each target, in each of the two stimuli, has its own mask idx ([`0b78372`](

* fix(whites): enable specifying either 1, or multiple target indices

Some configuration was causing errors ([`ba552b9`](

* fix(text): remove text direction argument

Pillow is complaining about `libraqm` not being installed. Previously, it was not complaining about this. This problem seems to be limited to asking for a writing direction -- without that, Pillow no longer complains ([`6cceca6`](


* style: use codespell to fix misspellings ([`de8efb4`](


* test(RHS2007): regen ground truth

Only mask of WE_dual changed ([`6c76f2e`](


* Merge pull request 121 from computational-psychology/dev

Bugfixes ([`da97ecf`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into dev ([`1d4371a`](

* Merge pull request 120 from computational-psychology/build

Update build-system ([`d56e528`](

* Merge pull request 118 from computational-psychology/fix/whites_targets

fix(whites): enable specifying either 1, or multiple target indices ([`8ec7d6e`](

* Merge pull request 117 from computational-psychology/fix/RHS2007

Fix(RHS2007): Individually mask each target in WE_Dual ([`3cba67d`](

* Merge pull request 119 from computational-psychology/fix/text

fix(text): remove text direction argument ([`759f8e8`](



* build: update PSR config ([`8659604`](

* build: update versioning to use python-semantic-releasev8.0 ([`e0cd11e`](

* build(manuscript): allow manual trigger ([`b46fdf8`](


* chore: autoformat ([`106dee7`](

* chore: autoformat ([`95ccba7`](

* chore(autoformat): update pre-commit config ([`47c408c`](

* chore: (auto)format ([`dea6b57`](


* docs(demos): `sbcs.generalized_two_sided()` demo ([`7318280`](

* docs(demos): `sbcs.square_two_sided`, `.circular_two_sided` demos ([`e781cfb`](

* docs(sbcs): unify docstrings ([`60d3c80`](

* docs(frames): docstrings ([`5d83551`](

* docs(radials): docstrings ([`fd79e0b`](

* docs(demos): update `two_sided` demos ([`c2beace`](

* docs(demos): bullseyes.circular_generalized ([`25669ca`](

* docs(demos): rings.circular_generalized ([`a19a1c4`](

* docs(demos): fix White&39;s demo ([`37b70c3`](

* docs(demos): text demo ([`ef686f3`](

* docs(demos): add support for two-sided parameter specification ([`aec4043`](

* docs(citation): add to TOC ([`c2a9574`](

* docs(citation): reformat ([`e940428`](

* docs: added citation to readme and docs ([`6279322`](

* docs(manuscript): &34;use case&34; as two words ([`c3d999c`](

* docs: final touchup on manuscript ([`d3c04ef`](

* docs(manuscript): update references ([`f57ec56`](

* docs: final touch-up on manuscript ([`2f37a9d`](

* docs: changed manuscript title ([`18d95fb`](

* docs: made editorial changes to manuscript ([`856c8a9`](


* feat(sbcs): `sbcs.generalized_two_sided()` ([`dbfbab1`](

* feat(sbcs.gen): enable rotation in generlized SBC

Closes 39 ([`bfe946b`](

* feat(sbcs): `_two_sided` versions of all `sbcs.` ([`7bac6a1`](

* feat(sbcs): `sbcs.circular`, `.square`

Pass-through wrappers based off `bullseyes.<>` ([`0ff0213`](

* feat(two-sided): utility wrapper-function to create two-sided stimuli ([`624bf50`](

* feat(stimuli): bullseyes.circular_generalized ([`8b9ad10`](

* feat(stimuli): rings.circular_generalized ([`7e0cf7c`](

* feat: components.texts ([`88d5ffc`](


* fix(disk): mask is now properly aligned

Fix by basing `disk` on `rings` rather than on `ring` ([`911cbd6`](

* fix: rename `_mask`s

Add a distance-specific mask (`bar_`, `ring_`, `frame_`, `segment_`). These are similarly named in the &34;generalized&34; versions of these stimuli (`frames`, `rings`, etc.).
This is just a reference to `grating_mask`, so that will remain consistent between all `wave`-like stimuli.

Closes 102 ([`2cc9222`](

* fix(bullseyes): update bullseye target specification

Now that indexing is 1-based. ([`92c9e1b`](

* fix(pad_dict): should also update ppd, visual_size, if it can ([`dab5bf5`](

* fix(RHS2007): correct targets in Todorovic&39; Benary 1_2, 3_4

Closes 90

1_2_3_4() was already correct.
Others now use that one as base ([`520c659`](


* refactor(papers): use `sbcs.<>_two_sided()` in papers

`RHS2007.sbc_large()` ([`3ee13ed`](

* refactor(radials): more integrated drawing ([`afcdc3e`](

* refactor(gratings,papers): update intensities order ([`1ab048a`](

* refactor: unify `intensity_` arguments


Closes 80 ([`a00295f`](

* refactor(waves): pass intensities through

Addresses 80 ([`44d7f79`](

* refactor(modelfest): more explicit conversions ([`be4b53d`](

* refactor(stimuli): use two-sided utility wrapper ([`8ac1717`](

* refactor(papers): update to use 1-based indexing of elements in Whites ([`e1c3101`](

* refactor(papers): update to use 1-based indexing of elements ([`bd90b8e`](

* refactor(whites): use `mask_targets()` ([`1e04f07`](

* refactor(waves): integrate `place_targets()` ([`daf6acd`](

* refactor: target_indices defaults to (), but can handle None

Closes 97 98 ([`9e8d136`](

* refactor(rings): use `place_targets()` in `rings_generalized()` ([`2da1b65`](

* refactor(pinwheels): integrate `mask_targets()` ([`c748706`](

* refactor(stimuli): `place_targets()`

actually places targets in stimulus-dict ([`fff6f14`](

* refactor(stimuli): `mask_targets()`

to standardize logic of indicating elements of gratings etc. as targets, which is a big par of the `stimuli`
Also allows for negative element indices, counting backwards from the highest element index

Closes 12 ([`9232891`](

* refactor(export): guard clauses, pathlib ([`e59fc51`](


* style: autoformat pyproject.toml ([`b153d5e`](

* style: autoformat ([`962a332`](


* test: update ground truth

single pixel changes in RHS2007_WE_radial_* ([`f4e4d48`](

* test(modelfest): update `Disk40()`and its groundtruth

Slightly decrease radius. This is actually results in an image that is exactly identical as the original published `disk40.tif` image (unlike previous ground truth, which was 4pix off) ([`30c9738`](

* test(modelfest): isolate code to test correspondence to original images ([`4c44c88`](

* test: extract function for image comparison ([`813e3a2`](

* test: fix gen_ground_truth ([`5ad8cb3`](


* Merge pull request 114 from computational-psychology/build_psr

Build: update python-semantic-release configuration ([`e281e9a`](

* Merge pull request 108 from computational-psychology/dev

New features, refactoring, and fixes ([`3788170`](

* Merge pull request 107 from computational-psychology/feat_sbcs_circular

Add more `sbcs.`.
`sbcs.square()` and `sbcs.circular()`, parameterized using `target_radius` and `surround_radius`, based on `bullseyes.square()` and `.circular()`.
Adds some `_two_sided()` versions as well, which are now used in some `papers`.
Also enable `rotation` arg in `sbcs.generalized()`. ([`d1510e9`](

* docs(demos):`sbcs.circular`, `.square` demos ([`81b5528`](

* Merge pull request 106 from computational-psychology/refactor_two_sided

Easier `_two_sided`-stimuli functions ([`7ba0bee`](

* Merge branch &39;dev&39; into refactor_two_sided ([`db94838`](

* Merge pull request 103 from computational-psychology/refactor_intensities

Unify `intensity_`arguments ([`4ff38d5`](

* Merge pull request 104 from computational-psychology/test_modelfest

Refactor ModelFest comparison to original images ([`4218dc3`](

* Merge pull request 101 from computational-psychology/refactor_targets

Refactor target placement in various stimuli.

Add `mask_targets()` and `place_targets()` general-purpose functions which can be used to designate target &34;elements&34; (bars, rings, frames, etc.) from an existing `_mask`.

Integrate new functions into `waves`, `pinwheels`, `rings` and `whites`

Add `rings.circular_generalized()` and `bullseye.circular_generalized()` using new functions

This single-implementation of target placement has the advantage that it all works the same: first element is 1, target_indices can be negative (counting &34;backwards&34; from the last bar/ring/etc.). ([`885ec6c`](

* Merge pull request 100 from computational-psychology/build_refresh

build: update versioning to use python-semantic-releasev8.0 ([`16a3496`](

* Merge pull request 96 from computational-psychology/fix_twosided_params

fix: two-sided params for `_two_sided`-stimuli ([`1188af5`](

* Merge pull request 95 from computational-psychology/feat_text

feat: text ([`e0effc0`](

* Merge pull request 94 from computational-psychology/fix_RHS2007_TodorovicBenary

fix(RHS2007): correct targets in `todorovic_benary_1_2()`, `3_4()` ([`00af7d2`](

* use default ImageFont ([`bc56a41`](

* Todorovics ([`a010d4a`](

* SBCs

Closes 92 ([`5569a12`](

* Rings & Bullseyes ([`23fc041`](

* Mueller-Lyer ([`6b01cce`](

* DelBoueufs ([`587aed5`](

* Update tests ([`fbd1dc4`](

* Merge pull request 91 from computational-psychology/dev_citation

docs: added citation to readme and docs ([`316ded8`](

* Merge pull request 89 from computational-psychology/dev_manuscript

docs: final touchup on manuscript ([`ca8bf43`](

* Merge pull request 88 from computational-psychology/dev_manuscript

docs: final touch-up on manuscript ([`f756c54`](

* Merge pull request 87 from computational-psychology/dev_manuscript

Final editorial (& title) changes to manuscript ([`b4bb148`](


Enable automated release, bump to v1.0.0.
Also update installation instructions. ([`0bad0bd`](

* fix (whites): if no index is provided, does not require target_heights anymore ([`6bd55ae`](



* build: fix regex for release GHA ([`fc19d2a`](


* docs(manuscript): add comparison to OCTA ([`551f80d`](

* docs: added missing arg-information to logo-function ([`73e5a27`](

* docs: minor fix landing page ([`fc8deb4`](

* docs: add logo ([`1fce581`](


* fix: added relevant error message in todorovic ([`0cb7f88`](

* fix: aligned functions args and output_dictionary keys for stimuli-gratings ([`fba7785`](

* fix: aligned function args and output_dict keys ([`6981318`](


* style: autoformatting ([`2025e36`](


* v0.101.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`862a64f`](

* Merge pull request 84 from computational-psychology/dev_docs

Quality improvements ([`69e0c47`](

* Merge pull request 83 from computational-psychology/dev_docs

docs: very minor fixes ([`e054d55`](

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