Lots of changes in this update.
* Graph API has been fully revamped. There is now a GenericGraph class from which SimpleGraph and HyperGraph are derived.
* Hypergraphs don't have any adjacency attribute, only incidence. They are displayed as bipartite graphs between
nodes and edges, with an option to explicitly separate nodes from edges.
* Simple graphs are mostly similar but not compatible with previous Graph class.
* Hovering on edge now show edge id and description, e.g. edge 6 between nodes 1 and 4 will show "6: (1, 4)"
* TWO HYPERGRAPHS GENERATORS have been added to the mix:
* hyper_dumbbells can create the candy and larger sweets with trivial kernel.
* fan can create hypergraphs with more complex kernels, possibly with bipartite-like degenerescence
* The old gramian module is now called spectral.
* All internals have switched from gramian-based computation to incidence-based computation,
which makes it fully hypergraph ready (multiplicity / loops should work, but are not tested yet).
* NEW MAXIMIN FLOW COMPUTATION! No need to optimize each edge, one single linear optimization is enough and
the result maximizes the minimal edge flow.
* is_stable method checks the graph kernel dimension and existence of a positive solution.
* Main class as been revamped as well
* Class name is now MQ (could be changed later).
* When displayed, flows are checked by default. Conservation law issues gives red nodes, negative edges are red,
null edges are orange (can be disabled).
* SIMULATION ENGINE NOT AVAILABLE IN 0.0.2, as there are a lot of things to change. It will return in 0.0.3.
* Misc:
* Tutorials (simulation apart) have been updated. Enjoy the double degenerated fan!
* Local coverage computation. Enforcing 100% coverage on all 0.0.2+ code.
* Minor changes in the display module to cope with the new graph API.