
Latest version: v0.2.5

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stockDL Turbo 🚀

- 90% speed and performance enhancement from the previous versions of stockDL.
- Preserved model weights which has reduced the execution time from 180 seconds to 18 seconds.
- Ability to choose from two modes: Best Performance (18 sec) or Best Predictions (180 sec).
- Enhanced performance for web apps, (improved API)

Upcoming Features:
- Web Application for easy usage and implementation of the API.
- Improved prediction on using saved weights.

** The speed enhancements are tested on NVIDIA Titan GPU provided by Google Colab, The performance might vary on different machines.


Minor Fixes:
- Fixed depreciated functions from TensorFlow.
- The plots will not display on their own, User will have to specify which plot they want to see.
- Easier integration as website backend.

Upcoming features:
- Integration with flask to serve as website backend.
- Results and plotting dataframes will be converted to JSON to make the results language independent.


Minor Bug fixes and test coverage enhanced.


Now you can plot all plots by creating a variable of plot and then name.plot()


Trial to fix broken dependencies.


This release introduces the new logo of stockDL and a readme file with a brief introduction about the library and its features.

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