- `exception.py`:
- separate Client, Bridge and Farmer errors
- use new `BridgeError` class and make `StorjBridgeApiError` an alias of it.
- use new `FarmerError` class and make `StorjFarmerError` an alias of it.
- `http.py`:
- use `handle_nonhttp_errors()` decorator on methods that perform HTTP interaction with Storj Bridge API
- `uploader.py`:
- added `Uploader.max_retries_contract_negotiation attribute`
- added `Uploader.max_retries_upload_same_farmer attribute`
- use new exception names
- use `colorama==0.3.8`: 96
- all authors now have email: 100
- list of authors in [pypi](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/storj) now look better: 101