
Latest version: v1.9.0

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Requires Storm version >= 1.9.0 and pycarl version >= 2.3.0

- Support for computing steady-state distributions
- Support for quantitative POMDP analysis
- Support for interval-based models
- Extended ADD support
- Support for all-in-one MDP
- Bindings for Smg and GameFormula
- Build parametric models from model components
- Improved access to state valuations, choice labels and choice origins
- Adaption to changes in Storm such as DFT simulator
- Developer: improved build process

Version 1.8.x


Requires Storm version >= 1.8.0 and pycarl version >= 2.2.0

- Scheduler extraction for exact models
- Adaption to changes in Storm such as the removal of JIT compilation and changes in `storm-pomdp`
- Added bindings for DFT modules
- Developer: improved build process
- Developer: updated pybind version to 2.10.0. Check compatibility to pybind version of pycarl

Version 1.7.x


Requires Storm version >= 1.7.0 and pycarl version >= 2.1.0

- Support for plotting via extras `plot`
- Support for LTL model checking via Spot
- Some support for multi-objective model checking queries
- Bindings for maximal end components
- Support for computing expected number of visits
- Added accessors for Prism program
- Added documentation for simulator
- Support for building complete/partial state space of DFT
- Instantiator for parametric DFT
- Simulator for DFT
- Added Dockerfile
- Developer: stormpy is built with C++17
- Developer: updated pybind11 to version 2.8.1 and adapted bindings accordingly
- Adaption to changes in Storm such as the new namespace `storm::dft`

Version 1.6.x


Requires storm version >= 1.6.4 and pycarl version >= 2.0.5

- Simulator for sparse models updated, added simulator for prism programs.
- Renamed PrismProgram::isDeterministicModel -> is_deterministic_model for consistency
- Support for specifying the returned quotient format (symbolic or sparse) for symbolic bisimulation
- Added support for continuous integration with Github Actions
- Updated bindings for, e.g., Jani to reflect changes in Storm
- Bindings for end component elimination


Requires storm version >= 1.6.3 and pycarl version >= 2.0.4

- Documentation is largely based on Jupyter notebooks now and supports launch with Binder
- Support for exact arithmetic in models
- Support for timeouts/signal handlers in Storm
- Code for parametric/exact/floating-point models data structures unified
- Extended support for Prism and Jani data structures
- `export_parametric_to_drn` no longer exists, use `export_to_drn` instead


Requires storm version >= 1.6.2 and pycarl version >= 2.0.4

- Adaptions to changes in Storm
- Create models (DTMC, MDP, CTMC, MA) directly from model components. Support creation of transition matrix, labeling, reward models, etc.
- Explicit State Lookup: Finding a state based on the variable values
- Support for pPOMDPs
- (p)POMDPs: Support for unfolding memory, making POMDPs simple, and exporting POMDP to a pMC
- Export to DRN options to support exporting without placeholders
- Renamed `preprocess_prism_program` to `preprocess_symbolic_input`
- Bindings for Storm-dft; most notably transformations, symmetries and relevant events

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