- Implemented `get_tags`, `set_tags`, `get_metadata`, and `set_metadata` public methods on the `Manager` interface + expanded the artefact interface with `tags` and `metadata` properties.
- Changed mv behaviour to rely on `delete_source` signal now passed to `_put` implementations. This is to ensure that `mv` continues to work correctly in a threaded environment. Deletes need to happen once puts have been completed.
- Extended the artefact `delete` interface to resemble the options on the `Manager.rm` interface.
- Fixed issue with windows filesystem where stow couldn't process or accept artefacts with filepaths longer than 256 characters
- Fixed issue with `S3` bucket creation not including the default region
- Improved log error and warning messages
- Fixed bug in `Manager` where a mv command between non-compatible managers would do nothing