
Latest version: v0.23.0

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<h3>New features since last release</h3>

* Adds the Bosonic backend, which can simulate states represented as linear combinations of Gaussian functions in phase space. [(533)]( [(#538)]( [(#539)]( [(#541)]( [(#546)]( [(#549)](

It can be regarded as a generalization of the Gaussian backend, since transformations on states correspond to modifications of the means and
covariances of each Gaussian in the linear combination, along with changes to the coefficients of the linear combination. Example states that can be expressed using the new backend include all Gaussian, Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill,
cat and Fock states.

prog = sf.Program(1)
eng = sf.Engine('bosonic')

with prog.context as q:
sf.ops.GKP(epsilon=0.1) | q
sf.ops.MeasureX | q

results =, shots=200)
samples = results.samples[:, 0]

plt.hist(samples, bins=100)

* Adds the `sf.ops.GKP` operation, which allows the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill state to be initialized on both the Bosonic and Fock backends. [(553)]( [(#546)](

GKP states are qubits, with the qubit state defined by:


where the computational basis states are


* Adds the measurement-based squeezing gate `MSgate`; a new front-end operation for the Bosonic backend. [(538)]( [(#539)]( [(#541)](

`MSgate` is an implementation of inline squeezing that can be performed by interacting the target state with an ancillary squeezed vacuum state at a beamsplitter, measuring the ancillary mode with homodyne, and then applying a feed-forward displacement. The channel is implemented either on average (as a Gaussian CPTP map) or in the single-shot implementation. If the single-shot implementation is used, the measurement outcome of the ancillary mode is stored in the results object.

prog = sf.Program(1)
eng = sf.Engine('bosonic')

with prog.context as q:
sf.ops.Catstate(alpha=2) | q
r = 0.3
Average map
sf.ops.MSgate(r, phi=0, r_anc=1.2, eta_anc=1, avg=True) | q
Single-shot map
sf.ops.MSgate(r, phi=0, r_anc=1.2, eta_anc=1, avg=False) | q

results =
ancilla_samples = results.ancilla_samples

xvec = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)
pvec = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)
wigner = results.state.wigner(0, xvec, pvec)

plt.contourf(xvec, pvec, wigner)

* The `tf` backend now accepts the Tensor DType as argument. [(562)](

Allows high cutoff dimension to give numerically correct calculations:

prog = sf.Program(2)
eng = sf.Engine("tf", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": 50, "dtype": tf.complex128})
with prog.context as q:
Sgate(0.8) | q[0]
Sgate(0.8) | q[1]
BSgate(0.5,0.5) | (q[0], q[1])
BSgate(0.5,0.5) | (q[0], q[1])
state =
N0, N0var = state.mean_photon(0)
N1, N1var = state.mean_photon(1)
print("analytical:", np.sinh(0.8)**2)


* Program compilation has been modified to support the XQC simulation service, Simulon. [(545)](

* The `sympmat`, `rotation_matrix`, and `haar_measure` functions have been removed from `backends/`. These functions are now imported from The Walrus. In addition, various outdated functionality from the `` file has been removed, including the caching of beamsplitter and squeezing pre-factors. [(560)]( [(#558)](

* Sample processing in the `TDMProgram` is now more efficient, by replacing calls to `pop` with fancy indexing. [(548)](

* No `VisibleDeprecationWarning` is raised when using the state `wigner` method. [(564)](

* The backend utility module `` has been removed, with all of its functionality now provided by The Walrus. [(573)](

<h3>Breaking changes</h3>

* Removes support for Python 3.6. [(573)](

<h3>Bug fixes</h3>

* `Connection` objects now send requests to the platform API at version `0.2.0` instead of the incorrect version number `1.0.0`. [(540)](

* TDM programs now expect a flat (not nested) dictionary of `modes` in device specifications obtained from the XQC platform API. [(566)](

* Fixes a bug in the `CatState` operation, whereby the operation would return incorrect results for a high cutoff value. [(557)]( [(#556)](


* The "Hardware" quickstart page has been renamed to "Xanadu Quantum Cloud" to encompass both hardware and cloud simulators. A new "Cloud simulator" entry has been added, describing how to submit programs to be executed via the XQC simulator. [(547)](

* Cleanup docs to make contribution easier. [(561)](

* Add development requirements and format script to make contribution easier. [(563)](


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

J. Eli Bourassa, Guillaume Dauphinais, Ish Dhand, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Leonhard Neuhaus, Nicolás Quesada, Aaron Robertson, Krishna Kumar Sabapathy, Jeremy Swinarton, Antal Száva, Ilan Tzitrin.


<h3>New features since last release</h3>

* `TDMProgram` objects can now be compiled and submitted via the API. [(476)](

* Wigner functions can be plotted directly via Strawberry Fields using [(495)](

prog = sf.Program(1)
eng = sf.Engine('fock', backend_options={"cutoff_dim": 10})

with prog.context as q:
gamma = 2
Vgate(gamma) | q[0]

state =

xvec = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.01)
pvec = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.01)
mode = 0

sf.plot_wigner(state, mode, xvec, pvec, renderer="browser")

* Fock state marginal probabilities can be plotted directly via Strawberry Fields using [(510)](

prog = sf.Program(1)
eng = sf.Engine('fock', backend_options={"cutoff_dim":5})

with prog.context as q:
Sgate(0.5) | q[0]

state =

modes = [0]

sf.plot_fock(state, modes, cutoff=5, renderer="browser")

* Position and momentum quadrature probabilities can be plotted directly via Strawberry Fields using [(510)](

prog = sf.Program(1)
eng = sf.Engine('fock', backend_options={"cutoff_dim":5})

with prog.context as q:
Sgate(0.5) | q[0]

state =

modes = [0]
xvec = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.1)
pvec = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.1)

sf.plot_quad(state, modes, xvec, pvec, renderer="browser")

* Strawberry Fields code can be generated from a program (and an engine) by calling `, eng=engine)`. [(496)](


* `Connection` objects now send versioned requests to the platform API. [(512)](

* `TDMProgram` allows application of gates with more than one symbolic parameter. [492](

* The `copies` option, when constructing a `TDMProgram`, has been removed. Instead, the number of copies of a TDM algorithm can now be set by passing the `shots` keyword argument to the `` method. [(489)](

>>> with prog.context([1, 2], [3, 4]) as (p, q):
... ops.Sgate(0.7, 0) | q[1]
... ops.BSgate(p[0]) | (q[0], q[1])
... ops.MeasureHomodyne(p[1]) | q[0]
>>> eng = sf.Engine("gaussian")
>>> results =, shots=3)

Furthermore, the `TDMProgram.unrolled_circuit` attribute now only contains the single-shot unrolled circuit. Unrolling with multiple shots can still be specified via the `unroll` method: `TDMProgram.unroll(shots=60)`.

* The `Result.samples` returned by TDM programs has been updated to return samples of shape `(shots, spatial modes, timebins)` instead of `(shots, spatial modes * timebins)`. [(489)](

* A sample post-processing function is added that allows users to move vacuum mode measurements from the first shots to the last shots, and potentially crop out the final shots containing these measurements. [(489)](

* `pytest-randomly` is added to the SF tests. [(480)](

* `TDMProgram` objects can now be serialized into Blackbird scripts, and vice versa. [(476)](

<h3>Breaking Changes</h3>

* Jobs are submitted to the Xanadu Quantum Cloud through a new OAuth based authentication flow using offline refresh tokens and access tokens. [(520)](

<h3>Bug fixes</h3>

* Fixes a bug where `Dgate`, `Coherent`, and `DisplacedSqueezed` do not support TensorFlow tensors if the tensor has an added dimension due to the existence of batching. [(507)](

* Fixes an issue with `reshape_samples` where the samples were sometimes reshaped in the wrong way. [(489)](

* The list of modes is now correctly added to the Blackbird program when using the `io.to_blackbird` function. [(476)](

* Fixes a bug where printing the `Result` object containing samples from a time-domain job would result in an error. Printing the result object now correctly displays information about the results. [(493)](

* Removes the `antlr4` requirement due to version conflicts. [(494)](

* `TDMProgram.run_options` is now correctly used when running a TDM program. [(500)](

* Fixes a bug where a single parameter list passed to the `TDMProgram` context results in an error. [(503)](


* `TDMProgram` docstring is updated to make it clear that only Gaussian programs are allowed. [(519)](

* Clarifies special cases for the `MZgate` in the docstring. [(479)](


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Tom Bromley, Jack Brown, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Fabian Laudenbach, Tim Leisti, Nicolas Quesada, Antal Száva.


<h3>New features since last release</h3>

* Adds the ability to construct time domain multiplexing algorithms via the new `sf.TDMProgram` class, for highly scalable simulation of Gaussian states. [(440)](

For example, creating and simulating a time domain program with 2 concurrent modes:

>>> import strawberryfields as sf
>>> from strawberryfields import ops
>>> prog = sf.TDMProgram(N=2)
>>> with prog.context([1, 2], [3, 4], copies=3) as (p, q):
... ops.Sgate(0.7, 0) | q[1]
... ops.BSgate(p[0]) | (q[0], q[1])
... ops.MeasureHomodyne(p[1]) | q[0]
>>> eng = sf.Engine("gaussian")
>>> results =
>>> print(results.all_samples)
{0: [array([1.26208025]), array([1.53910032]), array([-1.29648336]),
array([0.75743215]), array([-0.17850101]), array([-1.44751996])]}

For more details, see the [code documentation](

* Adds the function `VibronicTransition` to the `apps.qchem.vibronic` module. This function generates a custom Strawberry Fields operation for applying the Doktorov operator on a given state. [(451)](

>>> from strawberryfields.apps.qchem.vibronic import VibronicTransition
>>> modes = 2
>>> p = sf.Program(modes)
>>> with p.context as q:
... VibronicTransition(U1, r, U2, alpha) | q

* Adds the `TimeEvolution` function to the `apps.qchem.dynamics` module. This function generates a custom Strawberry Fields operation for applying a time evolution operator on a given state. [(455)](

>>> modes = 2
>>> p = sf.Program(modes)
>>> with p.context as q:
... sf.ops.Fock(1) | q[0]
... sf.ops.Interferometer(Ul.T) | q
... TimeEvolution(w, t) | q
... sf.ops.Interferometer(Ul) | q

where `w` is the normal mode frequencies, and `t` the time in femtoseconds.

* Molecular data and pre-generated samples for water and pyrrole have been added to the data module of the Applications layer of Strawberry Fields. For more details, please see the [data module documentation]( [(463)](

* Adds the function `read_gamess` to the qchem module to extract the atomic coordinates, atomic masses, vibrational frequencies, and normal modes of a molecule from the output file of a vibrational frequency calculation performed with the GAMESS quantum chemistry package. [(460)](

>>> r, m, w, l = read_gamess('../BH_data.out')
>>> r atomic coordinates
array([[0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000],
[1.2536039, 0.0000000, 0.0000000]])
>>> m atomic masses
array([11.00931, 1.00782])
>>> w vibrational frequencies
array([19.74, 19.73, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 2320.32])
>>> l normal modes
array([[-0.0000000e+00, -7.5322000e-04, -8.7276210e-02, 0.0000000e+00,
8.2280900e-03, 9.5339055e-01],
[-0.0000000e+00, -8.7276210e-02, 7.5322000e-04, 0.0000000e+00,
9.5339055e-01, -8.2280900e-03],
[ 2.8846925e-01, -2.0000000e-08, 2.0000000e-08, 2.8846925e-01,
-2.0000000e-08, 2.0000000e-08],
[ 2.0000000e-08, 2.8846925e-01, -2.0000000e-08, 2.0000000e-08,
2.8846925e-01, -2.0000000e-08],
[-2.0000000e-08, 2.0000000e-08, 2.8846925e-01, -2.0000000e-08,
2.0000000e-08, 2.8846925e-01],
[-8.7279460e-02, 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, 9.5342606e-01,
-0.0000000e+00, -0.0000000e+00]])


* When jobs submitted to the Xanadu Quantum Cloud are canceled, they will now display a `cancel_pending` JobStatus until the cancellation is confirmed. [(456)](

<h3>Bug fixes</h3>

* Fixed a bug where the function `reduced_dm` in `backends/tfbackend/` gives the wrong output when passing it several modes. [(471)](

* Fixed a bug in the function `reduced_density_matrix` in `backends/tfbackend/` which caused the wrong subsystems to be traced out. [(467)]( [(#470)](

* Fixed a bug where decompositions to Mach-Zehnder interferometers would return incorrect results on NumPy 1.19. [(473)](

* The Walrus version 0.14 introduced modified function names. Affected functions have been updated in Strawberry Fields to avoid deprecation warnings. [(472)](


* Adds further testing and coverage descriptions to the developer documentation. This includes details regarding the Strawberry Fields test structure and test decorators. [(461)](

* Updates the minimum required version of TensorFlow in the development guide. [(468)](


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Juan Miguel Arrazola, Tom Bromley, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Soran Jahangiri, Nathan Killoran, Fabian Laudenbach, Nicolás Quesada, Antal Száva, ‪Ilan Tzitrin.



* Adds the ability to bypass recompilation of programs if they have been compiled already to the target device. [(447)](

<h3>Breaking Changes</h3>

* Changes the default compiler for devices that don't specify a default from `"Xcov"` to `"Xunitary"`. This compiler is slightly more strict and only compiles the unitary, not the initial squeezers, however avoids any unintentional permutations. [(445)](

<h3>Bug fixes</h3>

* Fixes a bug where a program that amounts to the identity operation would cause an error when compiled using the `xcov` compiler. [(444)](


* Updates the `README.rst` file and hardware access links. [(448)](


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran, Nicolás Quesada, Antal Száva


<h3>New features since last release</h3>

* Adds the ability to train variational GBS circuits in the applications layer. [(387)]( [(#388)]( [(#391)]( [(#393)]( [(#414)]( [(#415)](

Trainable parameters can be embedded into a VGBS class:

from strawberryfields.apps import data, train

d = data.Mutag0()
embedding = train.Exp(d.modes)
n_mean = 5

vgbs = train.VGBS(d.adj, 5, embedding, threshold=False, samples=np.array(d[:1000]))

Properties of the variational GBS distribution for different choices of trainable parameters can then be inspected:

>>> params = 0.1 * np.ones(d.modes)
>>> vgbs.n_mean(params)

A cost function can then be created and its value and gradient accessed:

>>> h = lambda x: np.sum(x)
>>> cost = train.Stochastic(h, vgbs)
>>> cost(params, n_samples=1000)
>>> cost.grad(params, n_samples=1000)
array([-0.54988876, -0.49270263, -0.6628071 , -1.13057762, -1.13568456,
-0.70180571, -0.6266806 , -0.68803539, -1.11032533, -1.12853718,
-0.59172261, -0.47830748, -0.96901676, -0.66938217, -0.85162006,
-0.27188134, -0.26955011])

For more details, see the [VGBS training demo](

* Feature vectors of graphs can now be calculated exactly in the `apps.similarity` module of the applications layer. Datasets of pre-calculated feature vectors are available in ``. [(390)]( [(#401)](

>>> from strawberryfields.apps import data
>>> from strawberryfields.apps.similarity import feature_vector_sampling
>>> samples = data.Mutag0()
>>> feature_vector_sampling(samples, [2, 4, 6])
[0.19035, 0.2047, 0.1539]

For more details, see the [graph similarity demo](

* A new `strawberryfields.apps.qchem` module has been introduced, centralizing all quantum chemistry applications. This includes various new features and improvements:

* Adds the `apps.qchem.duschinsky()` function for generation of the Duschinsky rotation matrix and displacement vector which are needed to simulate a vibronic process with Strawberry Fields. [(434)](

* Adds the `apps.qchem.dynamics` module for simulating vibrational quantum dynamics in molecules. [(402)]( [(#411)]( [(#419)]( [(#421)]( [(#423)]( [(#430)](

This includes:

- `dynamics.evolution()` constructs a custom operation that encodes the input chemical information. This custom operation can then be used within a Strawberry Fields `Program`.

- `dynamics.sample_coherent()`, `dynamics.sample_fock()` and `dynamics.sample_tmsv()` functions allow for generation of samples from a variety of input states.

- The probability of an excited state can then be estimated with the `dynamics.prob()` function, which calculates the relative frequency of the excited state among the generated samples.

- Finally, the `dynamics.marginals()` function generates marginal distributions.

* The `sf.apps.vibronic` module has been relocated to within the `qchem` module. As a result, the `apps.sample.vibronic()` function is now accessible under `apps.qchem.vibronic.sample()`, providing a single location for quantum chemistry functionality. [(416)](

For more details, please see the [qchem documentation](

* The `GaussianState` returned from simulations using the Gaussian backend now has feature parity with the `FockState` object returned from the Fock backends. [(407)](

In particular, it now supports the following methods:

- ``
- `GaussianState.ket()`
- `GaussianState.all_fock_probs()`

In addition, the existing `GaussianState.reduced_dm()` method now supports multi-mode reduced density matrices.

* Adds the `sf.utils.samples_expectation`, `sf.utils.samples_variance` and `sf.utils.all_fock_probs_pnr` functions for obtaining counting statistics from samples. [(399)](

* Compilation of Strawberry Fields programs has been overhauled.

* Strawberry Fields can now access the Xanadu Cloud device specifications API. The `Connection` class has a new method `Connection.get_device`, which returns a `DeviceSpec` class. [(429)]( [(#432)](

* New `Xstrict`, `Xcov`, and `Xunitary` compilers for compiling programs into the X architecture have been added. [(358)]( [(#438)](

* Finally, the `strawberryfields.circuitspecs` module has been renamed to `strawberryfields.compilers`.

* Adds `diagonal_expectation` method for the `BaseFockState` class, which returns the expectation value of any operator that is diagonal in the number basis. [(389)](

* Adds `parity_expectation` method as an instance of `diagonal_expectation` for the `BaseFockState` class, and its own function for `BaseGaussianState`. This returns the expectation value of the parity operator, defined as (-1)^N. [(389)](


* Modifies the rectangular interferometer decomposition to make it more efficient for hardware devices. Rather than decomposing the interferometer using Clements :math:`T` matrices, the decomposition now directly produces Mach-Zehnder interferometers corresponding to on-chip phases. [(363)](

* Changes the `number_expectation` method for the `BaseFockState` class to be an instance of `diagonal_expectation`. [(389)](

* Increases the speed at which the following gates are generated: `Dgate`, `Sgate`, `BSgate` and `S2gate` by relying on a recursive implementation recently introduced in `thewalrus`. This has substantial effects on the speed of the `Fockbackend` and the `TFbackend`, especially for high cutoff values. [(378)]( [(#381)](

* All measurement samples can now be accessed via the `results.all_samples` attribute, which returns a dictionary mapping the mod index to a list of measurement values. This is useful for cases where a single mode may be measured multiple times. [(433)](

<h3>Breaking Changes</h3>

* Removes support for Python 3.5. [(385)](

* Complex parameters now are expected in polar form as two separate real parameters. [(378)](


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Juan Miguel Arrazola, Tom Bromley, Jack Ceroni, Aroosa Ijaz, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran, Soran Jahangiri, Shreya P. Kumar, Filippo Miatto, Nicolás Quesada, Antal Száva


Post release to address changes to the documentation.

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