
Latest version: v0.1.4

Safety actively analyzes 702026 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- e692871: Swap dependencies for install_requires. (Michael Haslam)
- e26358e: Bump version number. (Michael Haslam)
- 07e6c3a: Define streamlit 1.19.0 as a dependency in pyproject.toml file. (Michael Haslam)


- ef6d256: Update install command with new name. (Michael Haslam)
- 8f36f6e: Replace with new name. (Michael Haslam)
- 9fc3728: Add streamlit as a dependency in pyproject.toml file. (Michael Haslam)
- 0a8846e: Replace missed name change. (Michael Haslam)
- 429b35f: Add functionality to create a normal st.container gallery or an st.expander based one instead. (Michael Haslam)
- 7845ac8: Dynamically generate the number of columns from the supplied value, defaults to 5. (Michael Haslam)
- 9820068: Remove print statement. (Michael Haslam)
- 5069118: Create logic to handle whether to show/hide the filename using the caption. (Michael Haslam)
- 8d4fb72: Give variable a more descriptive name. (Michael Haslam)
- 08c936e: Allow None to be passed as the label. (Michael Haslam)
- 73a1fd6: Update example app content with some basic usage examples and instructions. (Michael Haslam)
- b495572: Update source_code strings with latest content. (Michael Haslam)
- 433be70: Grammar fixes. (Michael Haslam)
- ea35d52: Update with better information about configuration options and code example. (Michael Haslam)
- 05481f4: Bump version number. (Michael Haslam)


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