
Latest version: v1.0.0

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This is the initial release of the toolkit, which provides support for accessing HBase services running within Bluemix.
Provides the following functionality:
-HBase table creation and deletion
-HBase Get and Put.
This release was built on using Streams 4.0.1 on RedHat 6.5 with Intel x86_64.

- Update to Makefile for samples


What is new in this release:
* Corrections for issues 107 108 101

* Improvement of **HBASEScan** operator to support the table name as input port without startRow and endRow.

* Improvement of error output port to support an optional tuple as input tuple.
If the second attribute of error output port is a tuple like input tuple,
the HBASE Operators returns in case of any error, additional to the error message also the input tuple.
The first attribute in the optional error output port must be a 'rstring'.
The second attribute in the error output port is optional and must be a 'TUPLE'.


The maven pom.xml file has been upgraded to use the Hadoop client version 2.8.5 and the HBase client version 1.4.9.


A new optional output port for error information. This port submits error message when an error occurs while HBase actions.


The **HBASEPut** operator has been improved to support a **successAttr** parameter independent
to the **checkAttrName** parameter.


* The HBASE operators provides a new parameter **tableNameAttribute**.
Use this parameter to pass the table name to the operator via input port. Cannot be used with **tableName**
* The parameters 'tableNme' and 'tableNameAttribute' are optional, but only one of them must be set to define the name of table.

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