**This release fixes following issues:**
* 75 - KafkaConsumer: InterruptedException not handled properly
* 79 - Consumer commits same offset multiple times
* SPL Documentation: 77, 78, 80
* The `Transactional` value for the **consistentRegionPolicy** parameter requires that a control topic with name `__streams_control_topic` exists in the Kafka broker to store committed transaction sequence numbers. In order to ensure *exactly once* delivery semantics, this topic must be created with **only one partition**. If the broker is configured for automatic topic creation, the topic should be created manually to avoid that it is created automatically with multiple partitions as configured by broker property `num.partitions`.
See also issue 82.
Known issues
- When Kafka's group management is enabled (KafkaConsumer not in consistent region and **startPosition** parameter unset or `Default`), the KafkaConsumer can silently stop consuming messages when committing Kafka offsets fails. 98. As a **workaround**, the consumer property `enable.auto.commit=true` can be used in a property file or app Option.