
Latest version: v11.18.0

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- This release adds the Snowsight or Snowflake Admin Console resource type
- Additionally, adjustments to other resource types:
- DB2i now requires the port is set (if it were not set before, the connection would never succeed)
- AWSConsole no longer has a port field, as it was unused.
- Adds support for overriding the Host header for HTTP drivers


- The SDK will now attempt several retries upon Unavailable errors.


- Fixes some inconsistencies among resources


- This release changes the underlying type of the aws console and
aws console static key pair's session timeout field to an integer.


- This release adds several unstable or experimental secret store types.
- In addition, this release documents what it means for a type to be unstable, and notes which resource types are unstable. Unstable types may change without a breaking version number change in the future, and are not creatable by all users.


This release removes all deprecated items from the SDK. If you've already
upgraded to v2, most likely you're not depending on these items, and you'll be
able to upgrade to v3 with no code changes. The items have already been disabled
on the server for some time. If you are currently making requests using any of
these items, they are being rejected:

- `Role.composite` boolean field
- `RoleAttachment` class
- `RoleGrant` class

Composite Roles have been replaced with the ability to attach a single Account
to multiple Roles using Account Attachments. See an example

Role Grants have been replaced with Access Rules. See the [migration

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