- [bugfix] Fix issue where a `[None]` section would be added to credentials file. - [bugfix] Fix issue where some error messages on the ADFS portal would not be captured. - [other] Removes restraints on `urllib3` dependency for new Python versions
- [bugfix] Fix issue where using `--profile`/`-l` flag would fail if the profile didn't exist in credentials file.
- [feature] Added VIP Access support. Users can now pass VIP Access security codes to `authenticate` command via the `--vip-access-security-code` flag.
- [bugfix] Fix error when users have unsupported browser - [improvement] Add support for Brave Browser
- [feature] Open the AWS Console with the profile authenticated against by using the `--console` flag in the `authenticate` command
- [bugfix] Fix out of order roles in selection prompt. - [bugfix] Fix writing of empty value to credentials file which causes invalid yml. - [improvement] Add error handling for fetching TOTP code. - [improvement] Add error handling for when AWS ProfileNotFound.