- Fix for the PR allowing to use AWS functions in Taupage configuration
How to upgrade:
`$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade stups`
- Fix crashing "senza list --all" 120 - Allow AWS functions and Ref in TaupageConfig 123 - fix NoneType. chutium Thanks
How to upgrade:
`$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade stups`
- resolve_security_groups does not work correctly with non-default-vpc 119 - fix instance --all
How to upgrade:
`$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade stups`
- Ability to provide a list of stacks to `senza delete` 77 - Add Support for multiple Loadbalancer 109 - Add Replica Load balancer and Route53 record for Spilo 735751d
boto3 migration is complete! :tada:
Please don't install this update before a critical deployment ;)
Nice feature from the new Version: - Command Events works fine with the AWS API Limits (no exceptions) - Argument and Account Variables in StackName for example: StackName: 'master-app-{{AccountInfo.Region}}-{{Arguments.saleschannel}}-
- 114 113 Fix wrong ELB config when no scheme is defined - 112 Change the docker registry from os-registry.stups.zalan.do to registr…