What's Changed
* Fix header in csv by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/45
* Feature/user suspended catch by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/51
* Change CI cinfig by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/53
* Add retry to auth by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/54
* Feature/large scale iterator by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/44
* Feature/add website user url by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/55
* 56 Fix error with followers_count parsing error, release version 1.3.1 by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/57
* Feature/stweet 2 0 by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/72
* Feature/stweet 2 0 by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/73
* Update CI by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/74
* Update CI by markowanga in https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/pull/75
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/markowanga/stweet/compare/v1.3.1...v2.0.0