1. Fix bugs 2. Refactor UI 3. Auto run after install and boot thanks to service (only support Ubuntu 15.04 and later)
1. [Web] Support `edit max-sub` and `min-movie-size` 2. [Web] Redirect to config page when missed config file 3. [Web] Improve performance when has a lot of movies
1. Change to use `beautifulsoup` instead of `lxml`
1. [Web]: Refactor web package 2. [Web]: Correct restUrl 3. [Web]: Fix list languages and filter in release api 4. [Web] Clean up layout, update icons, optimize css and js 5. [Web]: Add config button in release page 6. [Web]: Show toastr message when connection error
1. Refactor cli, core package 2. [Web]: Add option `force` and `remove` to config form 3. Update unit tests