* Async support for subgrounds (+ more) ([36](https://github.com/0xPlaygrounds/subgrounds/issues/36)) ([`929a882`](https://github.com/0xPlaygrounds/subgrounds/commit/929a88221ac571b1a45b5877e62d6d4cb2d1a91e))
* Ability to create custom clients via `SubgroundsBase`
- The entirety of how subgrounds coordinates the production, transformation, and pagination of requests has been completely reworked from the ground up.
- Instead of a recursive call stack, transformation and pagination is lazily computed.
- Then, a client (implementing `SubgroundsBase`), *drives* the actual processing of requests/responses until completion.
- Subgrounds models the [sans-io](https://sans-io.readthedocs.io/) approach to handling requests
- This means subgrounds is untangled from actually making IO
- This has enabled custom clients, allowing anyone to customize subgrounds interface.
- Various rewrites, reworks, and improvements to documentation.