**Bug Fixes**
* Fixed issue where songs in the playlist list would stay selected even after
their downloads were deleted when in Offline Mode. (221)
* Fixed issue where the playlist image would continually load if the playlist
refresh failed.
**Distro Packages**
* Sublime Music is now in Debian Testing:
* Sublime Music is in NixOS Unstable:
(thanks to albakham)
* Package maintainers now have the option to move the following directories to
``/usr/share/sublime-music``: ``adapters/icons``, ``adapters/images``,
``adapters/subsonic/icons``, ``dbus/mpris_specs/``, ``ui/icons/``, and
``ui/images/``. Sublime Music will look first in the directory where the
``sublime/__init__.py`` file is installed for those files, and then fall back
to ``/usr/share/sublime-music`` for finding those files. (179)