- Add quiet mode support for `SubprocessRunner`/`Retry` - Modify a retry log message
- Add `timeout` keyword argument to `SubprocessRunner.run`: 1 - Add support for retry functionality to `SubprocessRunner.run` - Add `SubprocessRunner.Retry` class - Modify type annotation of `SubprocessRunner.run` return value
- Modify debug log outputs - Modify type annotations
- Add support for Python 3.10 - Modify type annotations - Add `subprocrunner.typing`
- Add `follow_symlinks` argument to `Which` constructor - Improve path existence check for `Which` - Modify an error handling when a command not specified for Which - Fix to include `py.typed` to the package
- Drop Python 2 support - Add type annotations and py.typed to the package - Replace the logging library from Logbook to loguru - Remove deprecated error classes - Remove deprecated methods